HP/SPN: Touched by an Angel (Harry/Castiel)

Mar 09, 2010 17:31

Title: Touched by an Angel (XXIV)
Author: nilitara
Fandom: HP, SPN
Rating: PG
Charaters: Harry, Castiel 
Summary: Bobby trusts Harry immediately. There is a reason for that.
For: crossovers100
Prompt: 046. Star.
Disclaimer: The characters are the property of their respective creator. I own nothing.

Touched by an Angel - Main entry

046. Star.

Bobby Singer had never been one to trust very easily, at least not since his wife’s death. Anyone who actually met him once could testify. Even when he received people he had known since they were in nappies, like the Winchester boys, he would ask them to drink holy water just to be on the safe side. Some may have thought he was paranoiac, but he knew that it could very well be the thing that would save his life and he wasn’t going to just drop the habit.

Whenever he met someone new, someone he had never had the chance to encounter before in this business, he was careful. He was distrustful because he knew there was no way to ensure the way anything may end. Not all hunters were nice people. You had to be quite ruthless in that business and, sometimes, people took it too far. Like Gordon who ended up trying to kill Sam because he thought the kid was the antichrist, just because he possessed powers.

Bobby had never let anyone in without being damn thorough in their check out. It had saved his life and others before and everyone knew that, particularly Sam and Dean.

So when Bobby didn’t even blink at Harry’s unexpected appearance, seemingly out of nowhere, inside his house, telling them about the solution to their problems and knowing far too much about all of them for their peace of mind, they were surprised. When he didn’t even try checking whether he was possessed or ask for information about who he was and what he was doing there, jaws were hanging. And when he tried immediately for what Harry had proposed, pulling them all along, they were certain to have entered the twilight zone.

Of course, Bobby had a damn good reason for forgoing everything he usually did with unequaled diligence. And it wasn’t only because the kid - and damn, Harry seemed so young - seemed to know their resident angel.

The pendant.

Bobby had booby-trapped the house better than a bloody war zone. There were enchantment all around, drawing on the floor and the walls - hell, even on the ceiling. He had protection charms and other gris-gris lying around and it wasn’t only for decoration. It helped quite a lot with things like trapping demons, or just recognizing that they were demons, making sure his life wasn’t put in danger while he was at home.

It also made the place damn hard to hide anything in. Especially something supernatural. So, of course, Harry’s pendant had become quite visible to the rest of them.

Sam and Dean didn’t know enough about angels and their mythology, their lives, their powers to know exactly what it meant. For them, it was just a star-shaped pendant that the guy was wearing and that seemed to glow just a little bit. It may have been somewhat strange but it really wasn’t anything to wax poetry about.

For Bobby, though, it meant everything.

He knew very well what that pendant was, where it came from and how it was made. It wasn’t that he was very religious, goodness no, but when Castiel had turned up, following Dean, he had made his mind to research about that world, more than he ever told the Winchester brothers. To his surprise, he had found quite a lot, enough to know what it signified for Harry to be wearing such an object.

A pendant made in Heaven. He had known about it but never dreamed he would ever see one of those. Still, he knew that for Harry to be wearing it, it meant that he was not going to harm them because the only reason he could stand the jewel was that his heart and soul were pure enough, that he didn’t have what it took to be bad. He knew that, if Harry ever began to approach the line between good and evil, he wouldn’t be able to stand wearing the pendant anymore and, at the moment, he really didn’t seem uncomfortable, it was almost as if he wasn’t registering it.

That was the very reason he didn’t feel the need to do a complete interrogation of Harry and his intentions before putting his idea in practice. Oh, he was, no doubt, going to ask him some questions - he was a very curious man after all - but it could wait for things to quiet down.

Something told him that Harry was there to stay anyway. There was just something in the way he was looking at Castiel - an angel that seemed more than a little stunned to see Harry and that was sight Bobby never thought he would see - and that Castiel was looking at him once he had realized that the kid was really there that made him think the two of them were going to stay side by side for the moment. And since Castiel seemed determined to help the Winchester - well, more to get the Winchester to help him and helping them to keep them in sight - it made sense Harry would stay too.

All in all, it seemed to be a good situation to have another hunter present, even though he was magical. Now, he just had to tell Sam and Dean the signification of the star-shaped pendant hanging on around the kid’s neck for them to see things the same way.

crossover:hp/spn, crossovers100, character:harry potter, pairing:harry/castiel, fic:touched by an angel

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