multi-fandom drabbles.

Dec 07, 2010 00:37

lee joon/hyomin ; differently yours


lee joon looks up into her warm cocoa eyes and realizes that his grip on the beer can tightens unconsciously. “hyomin,” he acknowledges with a gracious nod, clearing the space next to him for her although she never mentioned wanting to join him.

she sinks down beside him regardless, emitting a heavy sigh.



they’ve just completed another episode of ‘star golden bell’. he flirts with her and she turns him down, just like the script says. they don’t know what else they have other than those designed moments so all they can do is share a can of beer afterward when they are changsun and sunyoung.

(they don’t refer to each other as such, they don’t know each other as such but they sure feel that way.)

“turn me down again, will you?” he remarks sarcastically, making sure to slip in a snide glance at her. with a defiant toss of her hair, hyomin rolls her eyes. “it’s what i have to do.” the exchange is suspended for a few seconds before he proposes another question.

“so you won’t turn me down if the script doesn’t say so?”

“don’t get your hopes up, joon.”

he isn’t mollified and she isn’t happy but it’s enough, for now.

eunhyuk/gyuri ; falling under

enhyuk plays the role of admirer from afar where gyuri is concerned because he is pretty sure (positive) that he’s out of her league by leaps and bounds. she’s a fucking goddess whereas he, often compared to a monkey as well as an anchovy, could never live up to that.


the polystyrene cup of coffee he holds nearly leaps out of his hand at the sudden touch on the small of his back. gyuri appears like a dream, soft blonde curls falling over her face as she bends to pick up a cup of coffee for herself.

“uh - yo - hi,” splutters eunhyuk, mentally condemning himself sounding like an inept retard in front of her. a tiny smirk graces her (insanely gorgeous) lips as she stands up straight again, her slender fingers wrapped around her cup.

gyuri glances at him, not smiling nor frowning but staring at him square in the face.

unfortunately for eunhyuk, he has taken a little too much time gazing at her too-perfect features and he couldn’t bring himself to regret it because just looking at her (just gawking at her with his mouth open, he’s sure) gives him this insane thrill that makes his toes tingle.

“well, what do you know!” exclaims gyuri, rather pragmatically. “you are interested in me after all.”

she strolls off, leaving him with his jaw slack - again.

jonghyun/jessica ; lost and not found

“’sic - jessica, noona, what are you doing here?”

his overformal tone and hesitant pause makes jessica want to laugh, so she does. she probably looks demented but at least it makes her look happy - something he cannot even pretend to be. “nothing, nothing,” she scoffs, waving him off with her hand.

she expects him to leave but instead he joins her at the balcony.

“i think the question should be what are you doing here? don’t you have someone else to be with?”

jonghyun draws in a sharp breath, looking down at his fingers first then at hers (he used to touch those; he’s sort of forgotten) before replying. “sekyung and i are happy,” he responds curtly, his tone brittle and he could feel his tenacity cracking.

“i never said you aren’t,” snaps jessica.

“that’s what you were implying.”

she snorts. “listen. you’re not happy. i, of all people, should know. why? i should know what a happy jonghyun looks like because i was the reason for all that fucking happy in your eyes and on your face.”

he glares at her. but he notices that maybe, just maybe, there’s a flicker of that happiness (he won’t even get to touch it this time but at least it’s there) still in her somewhere.

thunder/iu ; our way home

“i’d like for you to be featured on my upcoming album.”

thunder gazes at her over the rim of his glass, raising an eyebrow in the process. “come on, thunder. it’ll mean so much to me, you know that. it’ll be great!” reassures iu, stringing her words together with a handful of giggles thrown in. his heart thumps slightly because it used to be you mean so much to me instead of it.

“i don’t know, jieu - “

“jieun? it’s been a while since that last came out of your mouth.”

they both laugh gauchely (not as sanghyun and jieun because back then their names sort of rhymed and she wore scruffy t-shirts and he’d sling his arm around her shoulders just because they can) at her deadpan comment.

“come on, sanghyun-ah. please?”

heaving a sigh, thunder prepares to reject her request but then she puts her best puppy-dog expression forward. she knows he cannot resist and she’s right - he gives in eight seconds later. “alright, alright!” he raises his hands. “i’ll do it. but if it’s not good or anything, you roped me into this.”

“of course.” she grins toothily at him.

they aren’t lovers (not together but wanting to be) yet broken up and although their shot at sanghyun and jieun is gone, just having each other for short periods of time - as mere friends - is almost like coming home.

nichkhun/victoria ; not my place to stay

“so…how do you feel?”

victoria giggles shyly. “i’m okay,” she insists. “your family is lovely and they’re so nice to me. i may not understand what they’re saying most of the time but it’s all good.” the cameras aren’t rolling and his relatives are chattering around them yet nichkhun still makes time to check how she is.

she wishes he won’t (it makes everything seem so damn genuine) because she doesn’t them to actually be like this.

“well, they’re nicer once you get to know them, really,” promises nichkhun, grinning at her with a sparkle in his eye and she reciprocates with a simple smile. what she really wants to tell him is to give up - give up on them and their forever because they’ll never have that.

“of course. you have a beautiful family.”

but the more selfish part of her is begging him to hold on.

he strikes up a conversation with one of his sisters and victoria uses this time to look around the house. all she sees is gleaming floors, expensive furniture, flawless people and she feels like she doesn’t belong in this big, pretty picture.

she racks her brain, wondering why, and then it hits her.

because one day, nichkhun would bring another woman home, introducing her as his (real) wife. his family would fawn all over her and they would accept her willingly. fast-forward a few years and there will be kids, pieces of him and her.

victoria cannot leave a mark in this house because it won t be her who will be returning.

taemin/suzy ; sixteen

she’s sixteen and somehow that’s a legitimate excuse for everything; to be reckless, selfish and ignorant just because she’s a sixteen-year-old teenager so it’s entirely acceptable for her to be a bitch and act that way.

except that she isn’t, can’t be and won’t try.

first comes jyp then comes her transition into suzy (someone she’s not and doesn’t know) then comes miss a and then comes boys and him and it gets a little too cluttered and too much for a girl who never even got to live being sixteen.

“hi, suzy-ssi. i’m shinee’s taemin,” he greets her with a genial smile and courteous nod the next time they meet at some music show or other and she can feel the heat abruptly pooling in her cheeks. jia and min whispering (about her) some ways away.

“h-he-hello, oppa - i mean, t-taemin-sunbae.” oh, god, help me.

taemin scratches his head in a gauche manner. “you see,” he begins, “my hyungs said that you’d like to hang out with me, so maybe i should give you a call sometime. we can go out and watch a movie or eat or whatever you’d like to do.”

it takes every fiber of her being to not squeal like a fangirl who haunts him each time he appears in public. “sure, that’ll be terrific!” exclaims suzy, briefly forgetting how to appear less eager and more chic. he grins at her again before walking awa to find his band mates.

she places a hand against her erratic heart and realizes that she finally knows what being sixteen feels like.

pairing: nichkhun/victoria, pairing: jonghyun/jessica, fandom: super junior, pairing: lee joon/hyomin, fandom: 2pm, fandom: f(x), fandom: mblaq, fandom: t-ara, fandom: shinee, fandom: girls' generation, fandom: miss a, solo: iu, pairing: taemin/suzy, pairing: thunder/iu, fandom: kara, pairing: eunhyuk/gyuri

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