Apr 04, 2007 22:20
for the first time this entire year, I cannot WAIT to f***ing graduate. talk about being absolutely sick and tired of anything and everything. BLAAAAAh.
i dont know what else to write except that i want out. now. if i could graduate next week, i totally would. the workload is just getting more and more out of control, and as it is i havent been able to spend any time with people because when im done with homework and the weekend rolls around, im passing out mad early, or dont want to do a damn thing because i'm so drained.
thanks professors, for making my last semester in this god forsaken place (did i mention it's fucking snowing?) a killer. one of these days im going to snap and that response paper you have me write on a weekly basis is going to consist of a lovely array of epithets you never would have imagined, not even in your wildest dreams.