Nov 28, 2005 08:47
Though i really do not have the time to write in here (and prolly should be writing this in my other journal anyways), i guess i will anyways. I am currently eating so i have a few moments. I wont go into all that has been missed due to the fact that i have given up at keeping this thing updated, so maybe i will sporatically write in here (if i dont forget about it lol). But a lot has been going on. God is growing me so much that it scares me sometimes. And i can honestly say that i love what God is doing in me. Now, at first i would have said just opposite of that. God is bringing out my outgoingness (not in doctrine, because their im firm firm), but as in with people. I am a very outgoing person by nature around those that i know really well and trust, but i tend to clam up around new people or people that i hardly know. But God is changing that. And as scary as it is, i love it. I am so ready to go into the ministry. God has called us out, but now we are just waiting on Him. And whew, is He preparing us. We are not sure exactly where God is taking us, but Sims says that pastoring has kinda been laid on his heart. We are following Christ day by day, so there is no telling where we will end up. Its gonna be good though. Hard? Ohh yes, i am sure of it. But thats ok, because we can do all things through Christ who stregntheth us. *grins* Its exciting business serving the Lord. God has well postponed ( i guess is the word) my study with Claire. Which was at first ummmm....well it was hard. But now He has shown me some things through it that i would not have seen at all if we had been in study. Claire feels like He is going to call us back to study together. God has not told me anything about that though. He likes to be simple with me....Like just no. No explanations. I like it that way though, it makes life interesting. hehe. My baby (Sami) is 8 months old now, and is semi sorta crawling (i call it whaling because he just wallows) and is sitting up on his own. He is growing up. Tammy is about to have her baby anyday, (she may even be having it now). I am so excited for her. This is her sixth baby. And she is sad to say it is her last. Hey i just realized that that is half a dozen kids hehe. But she has had a lot of troubles carrying this one though. My Stitch is 3 years old. I cant believe it. 3!! How big he is getting. And shelb is already getting big people teeth. Though it is looking like she is going to have to have orthadonics (eeeekkkk). Her baby tooth is loose but her big one is in behind it. Not under it, behind it. I hope she doesnt have sims mouth. He had to have a ton of work done on his mouth. I have had pretty decent teeth (well until my wisdom teeth came in grrr). I am supposed to get this other one removed (but its not hurting so no thank you). I had the bottom right one removed and OWWWWW. That was awful. But the Lord got me through it. Sims took extra good care of me during that time as well. I am supposed to be going back to the doc today. *SIGHS*....i really dont like going to the doc. I think i need to trade my body in for a new one. But God has me in this body for a reason, even if it feels like it is falling apart. God can put me back together again hehehe. Its really hard to be sick with 3 kids. I so just want to take care of everyone else. But apparently God has things going that i dont know of. I havent got to work with the horsies lately, ive been so busy. Buddy is doing super good though. Sims went out and worked with him some this past weekend while i was in louisiana. He said that he was shifting his weight backwards at a phase one in the yo yo game. WOOOO! Daddy says that next weekend we are going to try to get butterfly out here so i can work with her more. She is....very ummm...well she likes to try to dominate. Which can sometimes be kinda scary. But we are going to get her under control soon. It will be good for her to be put with Buddy. She is really tiny compared to him. I really enjoy working with the both of them. I love ground work so much more than actual riding. Though i do like to ride occasionally. Trigger is gone so we dont even have to worry about finding a place for him to stay when we bring butterfly over (he is a stallion, well a pony stallion. He is shorter than me, which is saying a lot hehehehe). Well im finished eating (yes i eat slow) and im tired of typing so i will go do something else....