It went really smoothly. I slept through most of the 16 hour drive down there as Morgan was kind (crazy?) enough to drive the whole way, practically straight through. It was a blur of dried fruit, drool, gas station food and
Neil Gaiman short stories. We arrived at his sister’s place pretty late at night so we just crashed. The next few days were relaxing and lazy; we mostly just sat around in the air-conditioned apartment (because it was 90+ degrees and insanely humid there still) and played with cute kitty-cats and read and read and read. It took me a few days before I warmed up to Morgan’s sister because I’m shy and terribly self-conscious when I meet new people, especially when I want them to like me. I tried hard to talk, but I always struggle with thinking that I’m a big bore with nothing interesting to say.
Anyway, we went out around town the later in the week to go see
The Black Dahlia (which, incidentally, is horrible; terrible acting, terrible story line, too many cheap plot gimmicks), and it was a very interseting study in Sarasota sociology. Because it’s still the off-season, there are apparently only 2 different kinds of people who populate the city: Slow, old people, and deliquent teenagers. The latter were terrorizing main street while we were hanging out on the patio of a coffee shop Friday night. Maybe I just forgot how highschool is, but these kids were ridiculous, both clothing and behavior-wise. And they were so SMALL! Tiny, like at least half a foot shorter than me and maybe 60 pounds. It was amusing to watch them because you’d have one or two distinct gaggle of “popular girls”, who would parade down one side of the sidewalk teetering on high heels (who lets their children wear high heels?!) and bubble skirts and throwing not-so-coy glances at the heaps of loitering, urban-prep boys on skateboards. They would literally just walk up and down one sidewalk, then cross the street and walk up and down the other one, all while shreiking and giggling like hyennas. And the streets were JAMMED with them. I felt bad for the occasional adult who dared to walk down main street. It was irritating and funny at the same time.
The next few days mostly consisted of whole foods feasts, comic book stores, watching grey’s anatomy (morgan’s sister finally turned me on to the show, not that I really need another TV program to watch…) and wandering around used book stores. Sunday we ventured onto Lido Key beach with a picnic lunch and managed to stay for about a half an hour before we were drained from the sun and humidity. We waded in the gulf for a bit, which was *so warm*. The sand was also extremely fine and white, and it made a weird *vreep vreep* noise when you kicked it. We ended up returning to the beach to watch the sunset, which was beautiful, as expected. It was probably the best moment of vacation, honestly. Soft beach, warm water, sound of waves, holding hands, tiny seashells. Mmm. I could live near a beach my whole life and it wouldn’t be enough, I swear.
The drive back I was unfortunately very conscious for…all I have to say is Georgia is very very long. Then I got to wake up at 6 am and go to work then take *another* exam for these specialist positions I’ve been applying to.
This week has gone by quick, there’s much afoot at work, things I don’t want to talk about just yet because I have no idea what the outcome will be, but it’s kind of exciting anyway. (I probably just jinxed myself.)
Last night I had free passes to the sneak preview of
The Science of Sleep
at the Gateway, but by the time we got there, most of the theater was full so we had to sit in those block of seats way in the front that have no business being in a theater in the first place. The movie was definetly all that I was hoping for: cute, quirky, unique, funny, eccentric, with lots of french and some naked Gael García Bernal sprinkled in. I have a feeling not too many other people in the audience really liked the movie; Morgan and I were the only too people laughing at the cute bits. Oh well, nothing beats a free movie!
This weekend is going to be relaxing darn it….no driving anywhere, no set plans, it’s a beautiful thing. It’s supposed to rain too, so maybe I’ll get more reading done, I’ve started
The Wayfarer, which I’m estatic I found in Sarasota.
Now it’s time for my weekly lunch date with matt. Mmm benevolece.