Jul 06, 2005 00:21
welp aNNmaRie isz sleepin . brittany went h0me earli this mornin nd i slept like all dai cus i had nutn t0 d0 .. s0o annmarie came 0vr nd shit at like 2 0r 3 sumthin after she t0ok a sh0wer nd shit .. uhm .. we went 0ut t0 wendysz nd wat n0t & g0t fAt l0ol & then we hung out nd talked t0 mi mom bout a l0tta shit! l0ol it was liike a LOT! s0o then we got readi f0r the gym nd went 0ut there f0r like an hr cus we were lazi or w\e nd we talked to meghan lenord she l0ves me .. l0ol . s0o then we came h0me nd shit nd q0t sh0wers nd i made mine last f0rever l0ol .. nd then i called my matt b4 i g0t in the sh0wer 0r w\e .. mii ``bLuE`` l0ol . n0w y0u kn0 wh0 bLuE iSz chusz i dun kare ne m0re s0o uhm .. yeh hees like i wanNa cEe y0u nd shit s0o i was ghuna go ovr there s0 thats whi i made mi sh0wer last a long time nd shit s0 it was late nd wen i got out or w\e he`d b h0me .. s0o i q0t 0ut .. we talked t0 mi m0m s0me . nd i did mi hair after me nd annmarie talked t0 brittany nd uhm mike nd left her brandon 2 messages l0ol it was fhuni .. s0o then we got readi nd went out to annmaries house cus she t0ok her m0mz car 0vr here 0r w\e cus hers keeps stalling nd shit s0o we had t0 take her moms bak so george culd take it to work nd shit s0o we left here at like 11 sumthin almost 12 nd shit nd i gave my matt annmaries number l0ol nd t0ld hiim t0 calL meh s0 i culd q0 see him s0o ne waisz .. we g0t t0 her h0use a little after 12 0r w\e nd g0t her car nd shit nd matt didnt call nd i didnt wanna call him or w\e cus if i went there i wuldnt b able to spend a l0t 0f time w\him s0 that`d suk nd hes like if i dont see u tonite we are def hangin out tomrorow ite babe nd i was like 0kay .. & i wanted annmarie to b w\me or w\e buh i ghuesz brittany can go l0ol she l0ves mi babe! l0ol .. not sure how imma sneek ovr there yet 0r w\e buh i wilL! hAhA .. ii aLwaysz d0 .. chusz im a q0od grL! bhut ne waisz brittany wr0te in her xanquh 0r w\e nd i q0tta q0 read it buh ne waisz .. on our wai home we went to heSs nd g0t s0me g0rdett0sz chusz we were cravin them 0r w\e .. shawn wasnt there lucky for his ass l0ol he t0ok a sm0kinq break the 0ther dai wen i went in there s0 he culd talk t0 meh buh i blew his aSs 0ff .. fuCk him .. ne waisz idk nutn else excitin other then i talked to lamont f0r like 3 hrs b4 i got on here hee i miss him .. hes prolli comin to see me tomorrow .. i rele wanna git up nd go to the beach nd shit nd then go to the gym nd wat ever nd chyll w\annmaire b4 she goes to see brandon cus then we are goin to daytona this w\e 0r w\e s0o yeh .. buh ne waiz imma go nd then imma come bak after i read brittanys shit cus i got some surveys that i feel like doin cus im rele b0red ..
h0lLa niik0ole x0o