hApPy 4tH 0f juLy *!

Jul 04, 2005 23:36

hApPy 4tH 0f juLy *! t0dai was reLe x`citinq .. n0thin t0o much has been q0in 0n 0r w\e .. jus chyt l0ol .. -dRaMa- bhut wats new .. ne waisz i went t0 the beach t0dai t0 watch firew0rks nd shit nd did a wh0le l0tta 0ther shit nd wat n0t .. it was fhun .. we tried t0 git fukin strawberry daquriesz nd shit buh the ppl were takin f0rever nd styll didnt git t0 us b4 we left nd the ppl nex to us waited like 2 hrs to git their shit it was insane s0o we left nd came h0me nd chyl`d nd did w\e .. dean & mi dad left .. i saw mi gpa .. buh ne waisz lets see mem0riesz l0ol ..annmarie was havin no fhun w\her man tonite haha awe i feel bad for her i misses her tonz! buh shesz commin ovr tomorrow so its all g0od .. i talked to mi babi aL for a long time last nite god i l0ve that kid l0ol nd i had fhun w\mi bLue .. i <3 hiim als0 l0ol n0w u kn0 ``bLuE`` iSz a b0i hAhA . ne waisz imma dip after i put some other shit below this entry cus im bored as fuk nd i mite as welL q0 t0 bEd earLii l0ol

.inside j0kesz fr0m t0nite...

0mg th0se are mi fav0rite!..th0se are mi fav0rtiest! hAhA.gArVey.sl0 watreSs\\wait0r.0Mg! thatsz wat I was ghuna wear!!.tHey aRe Late!.aNnmaRie iSznt haVin fHun.we are walkin to the bridge.do u hear me.of course i do.thats whi im talking bak to u. i nvr seen s0o mani ******** & ***** ppl like diS!.wh0 are th0se 3 cuties!..0h they are justin . wilL & wats his faCe..from weSTw0od. 0mg we are q0in t0 lay 0n the d0ck.wat if we falL in.dean wilL save y0u.stay rite there so i can see ure headsz.. hAhA nd thats alL imma write for now..

kyle came ovr last nite nd chyl`d nd wathced a movie nd left .. jeff didnt come ovr nd then he didnt come ovr or cal brittany bak todai .. annmaire stayed the nite last nite nd it was a blast nd we went nd got a movie lol hot dog nd hamburger go to white castle lol .. THE NUDITY SCENE HAHAHAHAH ANNMARIE..BRITTANY..DEAN..NIKOLE..KYLE.. & mi moms PJ PANTS HAHAHAH! & then we went nd got maddd munchiesz at wal*greensz nd fukin .. they didnt have gordettos imma burn that damn place down haha .. buh yeh ne waisz imma dip h0lLa at this shit later .. tomorrow britany has work .. shes doin that nd then comin bak ovr nd annmarie nd my mom nd me are goin to the gym nd brittany kant go till she signs up damnit haha ..

wRite m0re lAtEr !
xo0 nik0le «3
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