So a lot of us went to the BFI screening on Sunday. We spoke to a lot of other LJers and exchanged usernames. If anyone is as braindead as me they probably forgot/lost those usernames.
I have a remedy to cure all (braindead) ills! Set up camp with a little bit of info about yourself and Sunday and see if you can find that fandomer you sat behind or bumped into when grabbing freebies!
As a warning to non-attendees, comments may very well contain spoilers to 2x01 The Curse Of Cornelius Sigan.
Name: What did you refer to yourself as at BFI?
Outfit: Geek tshirt? Full on costume? Anything particularly recognisable about your appearance?
OMG: Did you do anything memorable? Get to ask a question? Win a book? Flail uncontrollably?
Hottest Cast Member? Anything Else? PIMP IT">">