Sep 11, 2006 22:37
Okay so I'm officially a student of Emerson College.
I love it here. I'm pretty much completely adjusted, even though some things are a little weird. Like sharing living quarters, specifically a shower and a bathroom and a bedroom, with five other girls. For the most part, everyone gets along great. We all bring a little something to the suite, making it absolutely insane. I've made a lot of friends and I'm having a lot of fun. Friday night I got rather wasted over at Northeastern with some excellent people. It was a fucking awesome time.
Other nights I've just been staying in, watching movies or playing go fuck yourself with the sweetmates. If you're not sure what go fuck yourself is, it's basically the card game go fish, but instead of saying go fish, we say go fuck yourself.
I started my classes today. I had Fundamentals of Speech Communications (read: Public Speaking) at 11:30. I like that class. I just wrote most of my speech that's due on Wednesday. It's not going to be graded. I'm stoked about that. Then I have a break for lunch, then Expository Writing at 2:30. That class is intense. I have a shitload of work to do already. My teacher seems sweet on the outside but I can tell she has the potential for some extreme nastiness.
Things up here in Boston are great. The weather is beautiful, my dorm/apartment has an amazing view, I've gone exploring and shopping and partying and basically I've been crazy and having an amazing time. College is the best invention ever. The only downside is that the work is pretty tough and I don't think I'm taking a required course I need for my major which sucks and I'm gonna have to get that straightened out. Oh and the fucking 6:30 am softball practice on tues/thurs sucks my asshole, too.
But other than that, my life is awesome. Just that one last thing I'm not thrilled with, but hey...with due time...