Shopping, Gaming, and DVD-ing

Feb 13, 2012 14:55

I'm making recovery progress - we went to three different stores on Saturday, and I didn't collapse :)  I did drag a bit, but hey - open heart surgery'll do that to you.  We returned bunch of stuff, got groceries, and picked up a cute food & water bowl for the kittens.

Saturday night, our friends G & R came over for games and wine.  We taught them how to play Bohnanza and basic Carcasonne, and they brought homemade brownies and Cabernet Sauvignon.  A very nice, laid-back evening.  They thanked us repeatedly for getting them out of the house, and we got to know them a bit more (they are semi-neighbors).

Sunday was a bit hum-drum.  dtiernan worked on his building project in the basement - he's making a workbench.  It's probably harder to do without a workbench to work on, now that I think about it.  I watched Anne of Green Gables, which we got off of Netflix, and flashed back to my childhood for a bit.  Megan Follows, you rocked that role hard-core!  And I've started watching The Office from the beginning - I want a better sense of the Jim/Pam storyline.

By the way, G&R sent a link to a Nathan Fillion Tumblr.  Hee!

fandom:other, me:health, links:a/v, people:dtiernan

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