Feb 03, 2010 09:48
Groan. I have thrown my neck out again (like throwing out your back, only extra fun). I was all ready for work and putting on my backpack when it hit. I never when it's going to happen and it's always so fast. All of a sudden, everything hurts and every movement hurts. It's a big muscle spasm, which pulls the spine out of place, which leads to more muscle spasms, and it's the Circle of Pain.
I hoped maybe it would relax a little and started walking to work, but turned back after a block. I'm going to work from home today. I managed to get in to see my new chiropractor as soon as he opened at 9:00, and that helped (plus, he didn't charge me a co-pay! again! I love this guy). I took ibuprofen immediately, used my pain spray, and started an ice pack. I'm trying to do everything right, because we are going to Columbus this weekend and I refuse to still be dealing with this!