Grab bag - Name Meme, My Toe, iPod-ness, Visit and Wonderfalls

Oct 15, 2006 17:27
There are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.
How many have your name?

Well, I thought there'd be more.  Cool.  There's only 1200 with my last name in America at all, actually, which doesn't surprise me.  There are only 390 people with my mother's maiden name, which is interesting, too.  Then again, I don't know how recent their info is.  My niece isn't listed in there at all. [ETA: Never mind - their info is from the 1990 U.S. Census, so of course The Niece isn't there]

My toe hurts.  This is likely due to the fact that I ripped off half my toenail last night by stubbing it somewhat violently against my couch.  Owie.  Sorry if I just grossed you out there, but I'm finding this quite present on my mind.

Someone has left their 30GB iPod in the computer lab.  The battery is entirely dead, so I can't even turn it on to see if there's any identifying info.  If I had a USB cord, I could try plugging it in to the comp, but mine remains stubbornly missing.  I can't imagine this person is having a good day.

I had a yummy lunch with my dad when he came through town yesterday.  I love motorcycle rides.  I really just do.  Even when I'm freezing my buns off!  The ride to and from the restaurant just wasn't enough for me.  He also brought the half load of laundry I left in MN last weekend (d'oh).  I knew I wasn't going crazy when I couldn't find that stuff!

I watched a little Wonderfalls this afternoon before work.  I love that show, but I can see why it got cancelled.  Too quirky, too hard to explain, too much of a Joan of Arcadia rip-off.  And they never quite explained why TPTB chose such methods.  Why torture Jaye in such a way in order to achieve those goals?  It seems inefficient, and I don't think she needed to learn her "lessons" in that way.  With Joan, I can see God's point.  I never saw the animals' points, even after I watched Caged Bird.  Still, I miss Jaye/Eric!  And boy, could that actor BE more Matthew Fox?  I think it would be physically impossible.

lj:meme, people:the fam, fandom:other, work:lab

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