Yesssssss. That is TWO families who want to interview me for babysitting this summer - one with a 3-month-old! Gosh, it would be nice to have this settled early, before the craziness of papers and Comps.
It's official, by the way - they are cutting lab hours in HALF this summer, meaning there will be just four of us working single-person shifts the entire summer. Should be ... interesting.
Guess what? I am SO getting closer on the pull-up. I'm edging past 90 degrees! I feel like it will be easier once I get past half-way. Plus, my adductor/abductor "lifts" were pretty easy today, so I'm moving up to 150 pounds on each of those next time. And when I did laundry last night, I swear it felt easier to carry the heavy baskets up and down my stairs. I didn't feel completely knackered by the time I got home, which is unheard of for me.
What else, what else ... ooh, even more old pants fit me now! After my sister's borrowed pants fit yesterday, I dug up my old box of "too small" jeans in the closet. It always bugged me to pack those away, since they were barely worn. Yay! Free new pants that actually fit! Of course, the weather is absurdly summer-y today, so I was actually pretty warm while wearing them, but I did it with a satisfied smile.
I think my multi-vitamin is contributing to my fairly upbeat attitude this week. I don't know if it's true or a placebo effect, but it doesn't really matter, does it? I'm not stressing about papers or comps or grading, which is so odd for me. I think the weather is a factor here, though - I'm such a sucker for sunlight. I can't wait until next year when I have a real porch to sit on, instead of a glorified fire escape.
Can you believe it's been almost three years since she was this little peanut?
WriterCon people!
superplin is
in search of people for her meta panels in the Myth track. I've already been roped into the fanthropology and "fan dynamics in a post-canon world" ones. Come play with me! I know I have
people out there who love the meta of our fannish lives. Come chat about it with us *g*