Feb 10, 2009 01:12
- 06:59 Nannerpus for birthday breakfast!!!! tinyurl.com/b2o8lz
- 08:42 10 Questions With Chris Coyier From CSS-Tricks | is.gd/iUC7 | #floats is.gd/iUAT | #stumbles is.gd/iUE2
- 08:55 10 Questions With Chris Coyier From CSS-Tricks tinyurl.com/cznu6r
- 09:00 Reading & Digging Why Spec Design Is Wrong: tinyurl.com/akva94
- 09:08 RT @ThinkDesign: RT @mlane: RT @andysowards Web Development Nerdy Daily Links For 2/09/2009 tinyurl.com/cneygz
- 09:13 RT @theleggett: Our Huge Roundup of 101 Absolutely Breathtaking Infrared Photographs just got published on Tutorial9: is.gd/iUOG ^_^
- 09:27 RT @imjustcreative: Chelsea, darling | i love typography, the typography and fonts blog?cr (ping.fm/5kf6S)
- 09:29 RT @thegraphicmac: Latest GraphicMac: Harness the power of Live Preflight in Adobe InDesign CS4 tinyurl.com/bx2xw7
- 09:47 Can you guys digg this? is.gd/iV5a wondering if digg is worth it... *PLZRT*
- 09:54 firing up mamp and building a site!
- 10:36 woo! 10 diggs! tinyurl.com/c3othv
- 11:47 Have you entered the ugly website contest yet? is.gd/ilYg win an ipod shuffle + more! *PLZ RT*
- 12:40 RT @leininger: RT @nebrow: Can you guys digg this? is.gd/iV5a wondering if digg is worth it... *PLZRT*'
- 13:08 RT @jeffreygarofalo: Prominent designer talks about the Obama posters tinyurl.com/cs3tcw
- 13:17 just bought an ad on HTML-Ipsum - cool site! html-ipsum.com
- 13:50 what is everyone working on?
- 14:25 lightbox + CMS integration = BRAINASPLODE *awww crap*
- 19:18 just recorded another quick tip,,,but it wasnt so quick :) still under 4 mins :D
- 19:34 :) just updated my ad on HTML-IPSUM html-ipsum.com/ it pleases me!
- 19:51 zzzzzzzz