Feb 09, 2009 01:12
- 04:46 morning tweeps!
- 05:13 playing around with aviarys newst release: aviary.com/tools/raven possibly doing a quick tip
- 08:58 Reading: A Practical Guide to Designing for the Web by Mark Boulton fivesimplesteps.co.uk/
- 09:25 RT @behoff: FREE Books & Advertising Competition on TDC: Comment or Compete to Win -- bit.ly/Lscg **LAST day to enter...
- 09:33 RT @andysowards: New blog post: AndySowards.com :: Web Development Nerdy Daily Links For 2/08/2009 tinyurl.com/d5fwlu
- 09:35 compiling a super uber ultra mecha twitter list...
- 15:11 woah....simple pie is really.....simple!
- 15:15 got recent blog posts up on my homepage in under 2 mins... nikibrown.com/index-simplepie.php
- 15:32 RT @bryanzmijewski "Good Design is holistic" TOTALLY agree!
- 19:51 Birthday = everything lime!!!! :)