RL inspired fanfiction, wha?

Apr 12, 2008 16:22

Okay so I work the overnight shift at a 24 hour gas station. This fic was inspired by actual customers that I had last night. As soon as this guy walked in I was like "holy crap it's Isshin!" It was so weird.

Title: Breathless
Rating: PG-13 for Masaki swearing at Isshin
Pairing: Isshin/Masaki
Warning: none
Disclaimer: I don't own them, I just abuse them.
Summary: A little ficlet from the POV of a poor convenience store attendent dealing with Isshin and Masaki when they were in college (or at least she was)

The bells above the door chime, announcing the arrival of a customer, the first in nearly an hour. I look up, smiling cheerfully at the two college students that enter.

“Good Evening.” The words and the smile are fake, politeness for the customer’s sake. They know it, I know it but yet it is still a requirement of the job. The man that walks in is grinning, exuding mischief in every movement. My smile falters only slightly as I wonder what harassments this newest clown will bring.

“Evenin’!” He practically shouts, his voice as loud as his shirt. If at all possible his grin broadens. The woman with him hangs back slightly, almost as if she doesn’t want to be associated with him… I can see why. She offers me an apologetic smile while simultaneously glaring at the man. “Can you call the cops? We have a bit of an emergency here.” I am, of course, wary of anything this man would classify as an emergency. The strawberry blonde scowls at him, confirming my suspicions that this is merely a joke. “This lady here, she’s trying to kill me.” He motions over his shoulder with his thumb, putting on a serious face though his dark eyes still shine with amusement.

“Indeed?” I ask, allowing just the faintest hint of sarcasm color my voice. I catch her gaze and she rolls her eyes, causing me to smile a bit more genuinely.

“Isshin.” She grumbles, swatting at his arm and moving up to the counter. “Ignore him, I’m sorry..” She begins but he cuts her off. He wraps an arm around her waist, pulling her tightly to his side.

“No really! She takes my breath away.” The scowl on her face softens and a smile tugs at her mouth. They have a moment of staring into each others eyes and I suddenly feel awkward standing there. Then the man, Isshin wasn’t it, leans down. I do my best not to sigh, the last thing I need is to have to break up another make-out session. Her eyes flutter closed and he ducks his head, pressing his mouth against her neck and blowing hard, creating a loud noise.

She squawks indignantly, pushing away from him and rubbing her neck.

“Tell the woman what you want, you fool.” She grumbles, glaring at him and crossing her arms.

“Oh don’t be like that!” He gushes, pulling her back into a hug and kissing her temple.

“Dammit, Isshin!” The scowl is still present but there is laughter in her voice. I myself am trying not to laugh at his antics.

“Okay okay, I’m sorry.” He laughs, turning his attention back to me though his hands move to tickle her sides. She squeaks and writhes away from him, glare kicking up from damn-you’re-annoying to imminent-death. “Can I get a pack of medium 100s?” He asks through his own laughter. I turn to retrieve the requested cigarettes and turn back at the harsh sound of her slapping his arm.

“You dragged me away from my homework to get cigarettes!?!” She demands. He hunches his shoulders, cradling his abused arm close to his body.

“You’re so violent! Why do I date you again?” He grumbles, looking thoroughly put out. The mischievous gleam, though, has not left his eyes.

“So I can stop you from wasting your money and killing yourself.” She huffs sternly. “Go get a stupid candy bar or something!”

“Why? Are you paying for it?” He snarks back. She doesn’t even have to speak, the reluctant sigh as she pulls her purse off her shoulder is enough. He turns from the counter, heading straight for the candy aisle. When he returns there is a veritable avalanche of food onto the counter. She and I both gawk at him for a moment. She opens her mouth to protest but he just nudges her out of the way handing me his credit card.

“And a pack of medium 100s.” He says grinning.

“Isshin, you bastard!” She snarls. I shovel the snacks into a bag and set it on the counter next to the cigarettes. “Fine just don’t come whining to me when you’re on your deathbed in 20 years. You’re going to be a doctor! You of all people know the repercussions of smoking.”

I slide his card and hand him the receipt.

“She’s right you know.”

“She always is.” He grins picking up the bag and leaving the store, not even waiting for her to catch up.

masaki kurosaki, isshin kurosaki, bleach

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