yay for writing

Mar 18, 2008 02:04

            Even then I did not believe in love at first sight and yet now I can not remember ever not loving him. From the moment he swung his arm around my shoulders, as if we’d been friends for centuries, and cheekily introduced himself. Science and medicine have so much in common he’d reasoned we would as well. He was right. He was always right.

We grew to be close friends, nigh inseparable. But separated we would be. He went out to the human world on patrols while I shut myself away in my lab. We would spend every evening we could together. We’d drink, tea or sake depending on the severity of our day. Then we’d fall into each other, a tangle of lips and limbs, melding our bodies together even as our souls were. But even that grip he had on me, both heart and soul, and the one I thought I had on him wasn’t enough to stop what happened.

I’d had no idea, how could I ever have known. She was everything I wasn’t and I hated her for it. Hated her for being what I couldn’t. Hated her for being enough for him. Others thought I hated her for taking my lover from me but it wasn’t that. I hated her for making me realize I’d let him drift away from me. I’d become too enamored with my own research to see the distance between us.

She did not drive us apart. She filled the gap that I had let form between us. When he said he was leaving I was confused. When he said it was for good, that he would willingly take exile to be with her, I was heartbroken. When he said that this meant we would never be together the way we had been… my world was destroyed. I went to see their wedding, to see this woman that had taken everything from me. I stayed, shadowed in the back of the garden, in my spirit form. There was a moment, fleetingly brief when I know he saw me, or thought he did. By now I’m sure he’s convinced himself it was his subconscious.

It was that very night that I made the discovery that cost me my own freedom. In my pain, my anger, my sorrow I pushed the limits of myself and my machines. The result was my expulsion into a world where I would be forced to watch them and watch my heart break a little more every day.

She came to me once, offered me a chance to have him once again in my arms. She told me of how fondly he still spoke of me. Of the love he still held for me. She told me she hoped I bore her no ill will. She spoke of things she had no place knowing, things that would’ve wrought severe punishment were we not already trapped outside of their walls. But she also spoke with a wisdom and understanding I admired. I promised her on that day that I would take care of them when she’d gone, knowing that we would remain.

And on that day I found that she was truly his soul mate, an extension of him and how could I hate that? It made me love her just a little. I smiled sadly at the smooth stone before me, crouching down. My fingers brushed the delicate petals of the flowers already resting there, left by him I loved on this one day of the year. Just as the sun began its rise I laid a single richly colored Iris upon the grave, symbolizing the wisdom she’d shown and the promise I’d made. And as the sky began to come alive with the colors of day I stroked my hand over the engraved letters.


Rating: PG
Characters: Kisuke/Isshin Isshin/Masaki
Disclaimer: oh what I wouldn't give to own them *sparkles* but... I don't
Warnings: umm... is verah sad
Summary: Just a drabble from Kisuke's POV

kisuke urahara, masaki kurosaki, isshin kurosaki, bleach

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