My spare time

Mar 13, 2008 00:05

            “Aww come on, Ichigo! It’ll be fun.” Renji insisted, grinning manically. Ichigo scowled but immediately relaxed his face when he received a sharp slap to the head for it.

“Renji you’re not helping.” Hisagi growled, glaring at Renji over his shoulder. The red-head merely shrugged, the hand he had wedged into Hisagi’s back pocket squeezing his denim clad ass playfully. “Dammit Renji can you just sit still for five seconds?” The shorter man lashed out with one heavily booted foot, catching Renji’s shin. The red-head chuckled and backed away, leaving his lover to finish the task at hand.

“Is this really necessary?” Ichigo sighed, jumping slightly when Hisagi grasped his jaw firmly.

“Stop whining.” Hisagi grumbled around the stick held between his teeth. Ichigo sighed which earned him another slap to the head. Hisagi stepped back, scrutinizing his work.

“Nice… that’s hot.” Renji smiled appreciatively. Ichigo crawled out of the chair he was sitting in, still unused to the extra height afforded him by the heavily heeled boots he wore.

“’Cause I really want your approval.” Ichigo scoffed looking down at himself, brushing off invisible dust. Hisagi nodded to himself, motioning for Ichigo to turn around. The orange-haired boy sighed, rotating obediently. Renji couldn’t help himself, he slapped Ichigo’s ass as he turned before grabbing his lovers wrist.

“Let’s go already! We’ve established he’s hot so let’s go.” Renji looked back over his shoulder and gave Hisagi his best ‘come-hither’ look.

“Alright.” Hisagi rolled his eyes, strolling up to Renji, wrapping the chain leash that hung from the red-head’s collar around his had and tugging sharply. “Someone’s impatient.” He said quietly, pressing his lips lightly to Renji’s, leaning back with a smirk as the taller man whimpered ever so slightly.

“Are we going or what?” Ichigo grumbled, glaring at the couple half-heartedly. He couldn’t really fault them, he was tagging along on their night out. If only because the red-head had decided Ichigo needed a life, or a boyfriend, or just to get laid.

It was an uneventful trek to the club Hisagi had decided on. Uneventful but the trio got plenty of stares. The good respectable folks staring disapprovingly at the young punks, the younger crowd watching them appreciatively. Ichigo had no idea how Hisagi knew where they were going. There was no sign, no marks on the door of any kind, yet when the simple silver door had been opened a heavy techno beat thundered down from the upper levels. As soon as they were through the door Renji charged up the stairs, Hisagi following at a considerably slower pace, Ichigo trailing along beside him.

A tall blonde clad in bands of hot pink vinyl that were supposed to pass as both a top and a skirt awaited them at the door. No words were exchanged as Renji passed off some cash for the three of them and flashed his id. The woman ran her hands over Renji, checking the pockets of his black leather pants, intentionally catching her fingers on the skin showing through the wide ties that ran the length of his leg before nodding him through. Hisagi also showed his id and got felt up by the door girl. Ichigo warily showed his id, glaring when she retrieved a black permanent marker to mark his hand so he wouldn’t be able to get any alcohol. He blushed as she ran her hands over the tight black leather pants that encased his legs.

“Awww, poor little Ichigo looks like he’s feeling violated.” Renji mocked, grinning at Ichigo’s discomfort.

“Oh shut it.” Ichigo snarled, looking around curiously. The walls were painted black with complex patterns and scenes of white glowing in the colored lights. The music pounding in the next room made it impossible to hear without nearly shouting. Hisagi just rolled his eyes, snagging Renji’s leash and leading him in to the next room. Christmas lights lined the walls, offering the minimal light in the room accented by the sporadically flashing strobe lights. Ichigo shook his head slightly as Renji’s steps altered to match the beat even before the got to they dance floor. The red head rolling his hips slightly with every step. In no time the two tattooed men fell into each other, the rhythm of the music echoing in their movements.

Ichigo slowed his steps, letting the two work their way away from him. The last thing he needed was the couple laughing at his lack of dancing skills, nevermind that Hisagi had put so much effort into his outfit. Ichigo still wasn’t sure about his “clubbing” attire but from the looks he was getting it was having the desired effect. He drifted into the crowd, not even noticing when his steps slowed to match the heavy bass beat vibrating through the floor.

He paused, closing his eyes  and just listening for a moment before giving himself over to the music. He was lost to the rhythm that pulsed through the air around him. There was nothing but that resonating beat that flowed skillfully from one song into the next. The shifts from song to song were nearly imperceptible, the subtle changes to the rhythm easily matched by Ichigo’s movements.

It was late, very late. Byakuya scowled at the gateway to the real world. His delinquent fukutaichou had once again skipped out without permission. Normally his punishment would wait until morning but as there was a meeting at 8 am the next morning it was his unpleasant duty to drag Renji’s irresponsible ass back to Soul Society. So with that thought in mind, despite the fact that it was past midnight  Byakuya made his way through to the real world, more specifically Urahara’s shop. He was immediately greeted by the blonde’s laughter.

“I knew you’d come eventually, Kuchiki-taichou.” Urahara said from behind his fan, a grin evident in his voice.

“Then you know why I’m here and more importantly where my vice-captain is.” Byakuya stated coolly, stepping past the shopkeeper.

“Well I can tell you… but you can’t go there looking like that.” Byakuya raised an eyebrow at the mischievous gleam in the blonde’s eyes.

As the night wore on and the volume of people on the dance floor increased, so too did Renji’s disregard for the public setting. His hands worming their way inside of Hisagi’s now unzipped vest, and at one point even trying to make their way into Hisagi’s pants. Despite his best efforts Hisagi was quickly losing his battle to remain dressed in public to a combination of Renji and alcohol. He couldn’t help the groan that escaped him when the red-head’s mouth found his throat, his head falling back as his eyes fluttered closed. Renji grinned against his lover’s skin, sinking his teeth around the shorter man’s pulse. Hisagi gasped sharply, arching slightly against Renji.

The red-head pulled away, content that he had made Hisagi completely lose the beat of the music that thundered around them. The dark-haired man scowled as he realized Renji’s intent, tugging harshly on the leash that hung from the red-head’s collar. Renji had to duck his head with the force of the movement but  the mischievous grin remained firmly plasterd on his face. That is until Hisagi’s glare faded into a look of surprise.

“You didn’t get permission to leave Soul Society, you bastard.” Renji gave his lover a look of confusion but it was for naught, Hisagi’s gaze was fixed at a point behind him. The red-head winced when Hisagi grabbed his chin firmly, turning his head in the direction of the door. “Kuchiki-taichou.” Hisagi said matter-of-factly as Renji cursed under his breath. The taller man shifted, trying to be shorter and less noticeable, moving to stand slightly behind Hisagi.

“How the fuck…” he trailed off, looking at Hisagi.

“Urahara” They said in unison. Renji ducked down, making his way to the rows of large wooden crates that lined the back wall and served as seating. Hisagi followed at a slower pace, keeping Byakuya in his line of sight. He paused chuckling when a blonde woman with a chest that could have rivaled even Matsumoto sidled up to the captain, stroking a hand through his hair and obviously suggesting that he come with her. The glare he gave the woman would’ve been enough to make even the most suicidal shinigami (Kenpachi-taichou) run for the hills. The woman took the hint and stepped around him, heading towards the bar. From the somewhat disgruntled look on the captain’s face Hisagi assumed she must’ve grabbed his ass as she departed.

The tattooed man glanced over his shoulder to ensure that his lover was well out of sight and went back to the fascinating task of watching the cool demeanor of the 6th division captain falter at the uncomfortable situation he now found himself in. Hisagi almost felt sorry for the man… almost.

Byakuya had barely been in the club for 5 minutes and he wanted to be rid of it. He knew, of course, of his vice-captain’s strange tastes. He had never understood the appeal. The music he could understand to a point, though it was far too violent for his tastes it had a driving rhythm that made it difficult for one to stay still in the wake of it. He pushed his hair back into place after the… friendly blonde had pulled it forward and returned to surveying the room, looking for the tell-tale shock of scarlet hair.

What he found was red, but not scarlet. Kurosaki? He wove his way through the crowd until he could get a clear view of the orange-haired man. And the view was enough to steal is breath away. The dim lighting made his hair a far deeper color than he had ever seen it before. Ichigo’s long, finely muscled arms arched gracefully away from his body, fine lines of fishnet hazing his lightly tanned skin. The fishnet stretched tightly over his chest before disappearing into the soft gleam of the black satin corset that encased his abdomen, accentuating the already slim line of his waist. Tiny flashes of creamy skin could be seen between the edge of the corset and the top of his pants, teasing in and out of view as he moved his hips to the beat. The leather pants appeared to have in fact been painted on his body, emphasizing his already magnificent ass. His body was a fluid thing, almost as if it was not conscious effort that moved him but the music itself.

Ichigo turned his head, his kohl-rimmed cinnamon eyes half-lidded as if he were in fact drunk on the music. He lips parted ever so slightly, a thick band of black that had once lined his lips smudged now but still enhancing the natural hue of his lips.

Byakuya inhaled deeply, schooling his face into its usual cool expression but even he could not veil the heat in his eyes as he circled the younger man. Perhaps there was something to be said of his vice-captain’s exotic tastes, though he was sure Shuuhei was to be blamed at least in part. He would be sure to thank them both… later. Byakuya stepped in behind Ichigo, surprised to have to stretch slightly to place his mouth beside the red head’s ear. One pale hand darted out, grasping Ichigo’s wrist and wrapping both their arms across Ichigo’s chest. He pulled the orange-haired man flush against him, continuing to move their bodies to the beat despite Ichigo’s sudden tension.

“Kurosaki-kun” He spokejust barely loud enough to be heard over the music, his mouth directly behind the other’s ear. The younger man relaxed slightly at the familiar voice though Byakuya could practically feel the confusion rolling off of him. “I came to find Renji but you are just so distracting I seem to have lost him again.” Ichigo fought to turn around to face the other man but Byakuya held him firmly against him, shivering at the delicious contrast made by the harsh fishnet and the smooth glide of the warm satin of his corset. “So now that you’ve distracted me… dance with me.” It was not a request but a command one which Ichigo obeyed.

Ichigo was surprised to say the least. The last person he would’ve expected to find in this kind of place was now pressed rather firmly against his back. Still he found himself rather enjoying the heat radiating from the man at his back and the tight almost possessive grip of Byakuya’s hands, one at his wrist the other at his hip. The surprising heat of his lips on Ichigo’s ear was enough to make the orange-haired man shudder which only encouraged the nobleman, teeth and tongue soon joining his lips. He lost himself to the pleasure and the music while slowly working himself out of the dark-haired man’s grip enough to turn to face him. Cinnamon eyes met the heated steel blue gaze for once below him by virtue of the boots he wore. Ichigo’s lips curved into a slow smirk as his own hands drifted down Byakuya’s body, grasping him at hip and shoulder before pulling the man roughly against him.

Ichigo’s hand slid over Byakuya’s shoulder, eliciting a faint shiver as the silk pin striped dress shirt teased over his skin. The younger man leaned down slightly, one finger tracing Byakuya’s collarbone before drifting down the center of his chest. “Tease” He breathed softly as his finger reached the lone button holding the silken shirt closed. With a skillful flick of his fingers the shirt fell away leaving the pale expanse of the nobleman’s chest open to his explorations. Byakuya groaned softly as Ichigo’s hands traced light patterns down his sides. Ichigo didn’t know if it was the music, the outfit, the atmosphere but nothing seemed to be real but them and the music. Everything else was inconsequential, all that mattered was the intense grey eyes watching him, the firm body against him and the rhythm of the music that pounded through his blood.

Somehow it had become a challenge, this powerful thing between them, keep the beat but don’t break eye contact. Ichigo stroked his hand through the length of Byakuya’s unfettered raven locks before drawing his hand back to the nape of the older man’s neck. He fisted his hand in Byakuya’s hair, pulling the other’s head back sharply his mouth descended upon the exposed column of pale throat. He nipped at the nobleman, dragging his teeth lightly over the delicate skin before biting down harshly where neck met shoulder. Byakuya moaned softly, tightening his grip on Ichigo’s hips and pulling the younger man harder against him. Ichigo smirked around the flesh in his mouth, unduly proud of the obvious proof of the nobleman’s pleasure where their bodies met. Ichigo slowly removed his mouth from Byakuya’s throat, a deep bruise already forming within the welted ring of teeth marks there. He brought his mouth level with the raven-haired man’s ear, watching as his grey blue eyes slowly came back into focus. “Dancing is fun…” He murmured over the music, tracing the shell of Byakuya’s ear with his tongue, “But I have a better idea”

He was only slightly surprised when the orange-haired man led him towards the back of the club. The crates that served as seating along the back were scattered with occupants, most in various stages of undress, having left the dance floor to indulge in more risqué activities. Byakuya was almost certain that he saw familiar red hair buried beneath an aggressive dark-haired man but before he could even think of moving to reprimand the other man Ichigo’s hands grasped his shoulders, turning him quickly and pressing him to sit against the wall. He opened his mouth to protest the dubious sanitation of the place but found his complaints silenced as the younger man’s mouth descended upon his own.

The younger man raised himself up to kneel on the crate Byakuya sat on, effectively straddling Byakuya’s lap. Ichigo’s hands threaded their way into the other man’s raven hair, forcibly tilting his head back to offer a better angle. Byakuya gasped under the assault, Ichigo’s tongue immediately plunging into his mouth, stroking languidly against his own. Groaning at the tangy sweetness of the orange-haired man’s mouth, Byakuya leaned up into the kiss. Ichigo tightened his grip on the nobleman’s hair which only persuaded the man to pull harder against him, shuddering at the slight pain.

Byakuya’s hands slid to Ichigo’s waist, fingers catching on the small patches of flesh accessible between his pants and the edge of the corset. The dark-haired man dragged his fingernails over Ichigo’s skin drawing up angry welts, causing the other to break away from the kiss enough to gasp. Byakuya quickly raised one hand to the back of Ichigo’s neck wrenching the younger man down harshly, setting his teeth firmly around the pulse in the other’s neck. He could feel Ichigo’s pulse speed even as he laid his teeth in more sharply. The orange haired man retaliated by sliding his hands inside Byakuya’s shirt, fingers brushing teasingly over one nipple. The result was not the gasp Ichigo had hoped for but a groan which was stifled against his flesh.

Byakuya’s hand teased down the length of Ichigo’s body, both hands gripping the younger man’s ass and shifting him forward, settling him more firmly on the nobleman’s lap and pressing the two firmly against each other. Ichigo moaned lowly, his breath coming raggedly as Byakuya’s teeth pressed harder against his throat, threatening to break the skin. A bruise was one thing to hide but a wound would be considerably more difficult. Yet the thought of letting this man claim him so was enough to make him moan.

“Don’t” he managed to gasp out, only part of him relieved when Byakuya released his neck with a harsh breath. Ignoring the throb that moving his head caused Ichigo descended again upon the nobleman’s mouth, thrusting his tongue into the other’s mouth. Ichigo’s hands smoothed over Byakuya’s chest, grasping his sides and pulling himself closer to the other man. The dark-haired man’s hands on his ass helping to pull the younger man flush against him, the rough material of the fishnet rubbing harshly over Byakuya’s chest.

Their kiss became more desperate, teeth scraping over lips and tongues. Ichigo’s hands danced over the other man’s sides settling on the older man’s hips. His fingertips dipping beneath the waistband of the dark slacks Byakuya wore, as he ground himself against the raven-haired man, eliciting a groan from the delicious friction.

Ichigo was sure it was the atmosphere, the strange feeling like they were the only ones there lost in a bubble formed by anonymity, dim lights, and the thundering music. In any normal situation he would never even have contemplated such a thing. But then a normal situation would not have him dressed in fishnet and a corset making out with Rukia’s brother.

The orange-haired man kissed Byakuya with renewed ferocity, the hands at his waist sliding between their bodies. He settled his hand over the raven-haired man’s crotch, lightly squeezing him through the fabric of his pants. Byakuya moaned into Ichigo’s mouth, one hand sliding up to fist in the short fine hairs at the nape of younger man’s neck, pressing him harder into the kiss. Ichigo groaned when Byakuya’s other hand gripped his ass with near bruising force as the orange-haired man boldly moved to unbutton the other man’s pants.

Byakuya broke the kiss a small voice in the back of his head telling him that he was a nobleman not some needy vagabond that would participate in such public displays.

“Ichigo..” he began, trying to summon the will to sound commanding. His efforts were in vain as the younger man’s skillful hands delved into his pants freeing his erection. Ichigo’s hand immediately wrapping around the other man, pumping him slowly.

“Yes, Byakuya?” His cinnamon eyes gleamed with mischief as he watched the dark-haired man fight to retain his composure.

“Gods….” He managed to gasp out before pulling Ichigo’s mouth back down over his own. The orange-haired man smirked slightly before surrendering to the demanding kiss. The kiss was short lived  when Byakuya broke away again to gasp as Ichigo squeezed him, twisting his wrist just so as he stroked the other man. The younger man, leaned his forehead against Byakuya’s, content to watch the normally collected man fall to pieces beneath his ministrations. The nobleman twitched his hips up into Ichigo’s hand slightly, nearly unseating the man on top of him.

“That won’t do, you’ll have to control yourself a little bit. Wouldn’t want to attract attention to ourselves would we?” Ichigo smiled broadly as Byakuya blinked, his grey-blue eyes slightly glazed, and murmured an incoherent response. Cinnamon eyes roamed over Byakuya’s face, flushed with pleasure, his eyes half-lidded, lips swollen and smeared with Ichigo’s makeup. The orange-haired man shifted slightly on the other’s lap, his already tight leather pants now becoming painful. His other hand moved to the button and zip of his own pants, moaning slightly when he released himself from the unforgiving leather confines. Byakuya used the hand still resting on Ichigo’s ass to shift the younger man forward just a bit groaning when Ichigo’s erection brushed against his own.

The orange haired man’s smile widened a bit as he released Byakuya. He squirmed in the man’s lap until, if he stretched his hand, he could nearly encircle both of them, rubbing their erections together wonderfully. The dark-haired man moaned, shuddering at the feel of Ichigo’s length pressed against his own. The hand that had been at the back of the younger man’s neck dropped to join Ichigo’s. The younger man groaned when Byakuya’s hand fell into time beside his own, creating even more magnificent friction.

“Ichigo… gods” Byakuya fought the need to writhe, shifting his hand to take the orange-haired man’s length completely into his hand, squeezing firmly and picking up speed, hoping to encourage Ichigo to do the same.  The younger man followed the nobleman’s lead, hand moving faster over Byakuya’s erection. Ichigo leaned forward, sealing his mouth over the other man’s to muffle the soft cry he gave as he came. The orange-haired man squeezing almost painfully hard, causing Byakuya to follow suit. They broke the kiss, panting hard. Ichigo laughed softly, the nobleman’s mouth curling into an amused smirk. Byakuya leaned away from the wall, shrugging off his shirt, using it to clean off both of their hands.

“Urahara leant it to me, he’ll never miss it.” Byakuya explained at Ichigo’s surprised look. Trying to be as surreptitious as  possible the tow tucked themselves back into their pants, the task a little trying for Ichigo given just how tight the leather pants were. The orange-haired man slid off the crate, standing a little unsteadily and holding a hand out to Byakuya. The nobleman took the other man’s hand, standing and pulling Ichigo after him towards the exit. Neither of them noticing an amused pair of amber eyes watching them through a veil of scarlet hair.

remember folks this is SMUT!
This was originally posted in pieces and therefore I apologize for the choppier POV jumps in this version.
I will be writing more but it'll be a fair bit before I get to it... and I have Ichigo stuck in my head so I'm gonna try to do some arts for this first.


ichigo kurosaki, yaoi, bleach, byakuya kuchiki

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