Just in case you are wondering why I and so many people in slashdom are reading/writing/reccing Inception slash - here's a great
Arthur/Eames 101 guide to what is CANON in the movie and what scenes the pairing is being based on. Just FYI.
And - on an important note - I made the beginnings of a rec list for some of the fantastic fic I've read already for the pairing. I tried like 10 times to do this on livejournal only to have it die on me over and over so I posted it
HERE on insanejournal instead. Unbelievably frustrating and led to much cursing and promises to throw my laptop out the window or strangle lj's admins before I gave up on it. Anyway...great recs there and you do NOT have to like Inception to enjoy some of these - VERY AU recs there by some excellent authors. Do give it a try if you are bored. :)