Title: Delivering Heechul to China (or the day when the Zombie-invasion began)
Pairing: HanChul, Haehyuk, slight!Simin if you squint real hard
Rating: pg-13
Genre: zombie AU? Possible crack.
Warnings: Swearing and zombies.
Summary: The old lady got up from the street, picked up the inner body parts that had fallen out and stuffed them back into her
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hope you're prepared for the awesome zombie-story, lol. XD <3
Baby Hyukkie is so worried!!! Mrs Shin...is it okay that I immediately thought Soohyun and Dongho when I saw that? XPPPP
Wow Hyuk, really? You just saw ur friend/neighbor-person (i don't know what this is, my mind's not working now, ah....don't judge me...) all zombie-fied, and the first thing think when ur running away is Chullie's looks? Sigh....what are we going to do with u Hyuk....
Donghae MUST teach Hyuk how to shoot! Then they'll be supah-zombie-killing!Haehyuk and Heechul will stop being so stubborn.
Aww....Haehyuk moments r so sweet~~ but really Haehyuk itself is so sweet~~ <3 ( ... )
He's always too caring... and well... he might be a little bit shocked about seeing his zombie-neighbor so that explains his weird thoughts... I dunno XD
Hahaha... Heechul will always be stubborn, can't help that XD <3
I know... I was aw-ing a bit myself... I actually do that at times when I write fanfics... it's kinda creepy. XD
Well... it fit into the story, so why not? XD
YEY YOU SAW THE SIMIN! <33333!! *huggles you and SiMin*
Always <3
Why would he wait? He's Heechul.. he can do whatever he want, whenever he wants. XD And it's not like Hankyung is complaining.
I went through the plot for the next part with my friend today... it'll be cracky. with... a lot of crack on top. XD
Hahaha... you underestimated my zombie-writing-skills? XD This is the first time for me writing this kind of stuff... though I did write some weird x-men-related-roleplay last year. it was fun :D <3
<33333333 (I ran off to your fic as soon as I saw that... I didn't even bother reading the other comments I got, lol... XD)
Ahaha Hyukkie so adowable tho... XP
Yes, Heechul is Heechul, and it would be just plain strange if he didn't act like that...but then again...not being strange isn't very Heechul-like either....Aishh...so confusing >.<
I DO THAT ALL THE TIME!!! it is kinda creepy....but cute moments can NOT go with out the proper aw-ing XD
YES I DID!!!! <3
Well, Hankyung would never complain about HEECHUL he'd probably get bitch-slapped if he does... but for the other guys, especially our poor Wonnie who has to protect their Kibummie from their creepiness....sigh, poor u, Siwon..
Yay cracky time!
....wow that sounded weird....XP
Ahaha well it came out AMAZING
<33333 (OMG i feel loved....well actually it's my story, so i guess I wouldnt be loved.....MY STORY feels loved XPPP)
Lol... adowable. such a cute word. sounds like a small kid who can't talk properly... in my head that is. lol... cute <3
HAHAHA... Heechul's just Heechul.
I KNOW. Especially if you happen to read something insanely cute and start talking... or worse... you read something fun and starts laughing in a creepy way when no one's around... I do that sometimes... I'm scared of myself. LOL. I didn't do that before.
Hahaha... no he would never dare to complain, lol. not that he mind Heechul being weird... lol... not in this fic at least. XD
HAHAHA... yeah... Siwon's trying so hard, poor fellow.
YEAH... sounds like crackers. I wanna eat something. I'm hungry.
<33333333 (aaww... I love you too, don't worry, it's not just the story... even if the story in itself is awesome!!)
ahaha Yeah it does! I guess i've been babysitting too much....XP
Chullie is such a Chullie~~
OMG YES. I always close my door to make sur no one hears me....but then again, no one really waks into my room or anything, so it's probably not needed...XP
Lol Hannie will listen to his master Chul...no matter what ;P
Poor Siwon...*pusheshim to huggle Sungmin*
ahaha im hungry too....meh..i should probably go eat breakfast....oh well. XP
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