A Bicker Christmas

Dec 25, 2011 14:21

Title: A Bicker Christmas

Author: Alsike

Fandom: Criminal Minds/X-Men

Pairing: Emily Prentiss/Emma Frost, Selene Gallio/Cordelia Frost

Rating: R

Summary: When one person travels into an alternate universe a thousand others are created. What if Didi showed up without a time slip on Emily's doorstep, in a world without mutants? What would a twenty-five ( Read more... )

bicker, criminal minds, x-men, emma/emily

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Comments 3

kith_koby December 25 2011, 21:00:34 UTC
How do you do this?
That was simply awesome. A perfect combination of regular social interactions, dysfunctional families, kinky sexual relationships and crazy sex all in one. Amazing.

I really liked Cordelia in this story, especially her interactions with Emily and Selene. In fact, now I want to see more of her in the Didiverse as well, to see how she interacts with Emily when she's in a more normal relationship.

The relationship between Emma and Emily was very interesting. It's a different one than usual, of course, which is why it was so intriguing. But somehow, you manage to preserve the deep love of it.

A great fic, great characters, great lines, and a perfect ending scene. What more could one wish for the 6th night of Hanukkah/Christmas/Birthday?

Happy Holidays, and please, please, more soon. Until then.


mord5ith December 26 2011, 03:33:01 UTC
If I have to be completely honest, when I read the pairings I thought back at the end of Danny Zuko Timestamp: La Jeunesse Triomphante (After Ten Years After) and I started giggling thinking Oh, my God! She did it! She fucking did it!
But as hilarious it would have been, this fic is as amazing as all your previous works.
You're a writing Goddess.
Funny, bittersweet, fluffy, smutty and with that something that makes everything you write simply beautiful.
There's something in your writing style, or maybe in the complexity of your characters, that just makes my breath hitch, turns on my fan-girl-giggling and puts me in dreaming-reader mode.

I apologize for any mistakes. Being italian sometimes sucks. :)


deuenda December 28 2011, 02:37:56 UTC
It's always a happy evening when the last link I check before bed has a new entry ( ... )


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