Title: Danny Zuko was a Hot Chick (part 20 of 20)
Author: Alsike
Fandom: X-Men/Criminal Minds x-over
Pairing: Emma Frost/Emily Prentiss
Rating: NC-17
AN/Disclaimer: Not my girls.
Word Count: 2546
Citrus Taste Summer Battle Prompt # 17. Dirty Dancing
Apologies: Hahahahaha!!!! I have dominated this table! It is OVER! (This is such a lie. I have
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Comments 11
Hilarious, I love Elizabeth: “Oh, Emily.” She found a clean handkerchief and gave it to her. “Cold water,” she instructed. “It will make you feel better.” She shook her head. “Honestly, the stewardesses are going to think I beat you.”
I loved this fic. I really want to see a sequel where they're all grown up and meet again.
i could see a potential epilogue some 20 years in the future?? perhaps a short one? hmmm?
you are fantastic at what you do and have an innate ability to draw out emotion from any situation. kudos!
I think the end of summer lovin' was very appropriate to the characters' personalities.
Congratulations on Grad school; I'd ask where and what you're studying, but that's probably crossing some unspoken avatar line so I'll just say that I'm sure it'll go great! If you can manage to write all these stories to post and whatever else you probably do for hobbies/leisure and meanwhile to graduate college, then you've got it in the bag for Grad school.
Take care :D
i loved emma's letter to emily at the end & how she managed to be the first one to write her. i love how she gives away everything and nothing of her feelings in the letter.
congrats on grad school!
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