May 12, 2012 12:37
There is no better season than the election season. It's like an extended Christmas in slow motion, a 33 1/3 RPM long playing record of gifts and merriment. Not just here in the United States either! Other nations enjoy election goodness with high entertainment value for anyone interested in tuning in.
The land that birthed Democracy - Greece - recently had an election; two parties won, but neither has a clear majority. The chances of a coalition are slim because the two parties that won the most votes happen to be the hard-line Communist party, and the Greek flavor of Fascism. Welp, that's 3000 years of history down the shitter. Should be a fun filled holiday for all to see how this pans out. Another fun fact about the Greek election: Over fifty percent of the police force voted for the Fascists! How about that? They really are a bunch of PIIGS after all!
Another country that had a fun-filled election with a surprising result is France. Friend to high finance and big business Nicolas Sarkozy is out! The new president who will assume office is Francois Hollande, a member of the left-of-center Socialist party. France has had Socialist presidents before so they are not too worried about this change in political party and ideology. After all, France is about 1.7 trillion euros in debt, and Italy was 1.9 trillion in debt when they had to accept austerity measures from the European Union's economic council to get a bail out. Generally, people in France are happy with the result and hope it will bring change to a worsening economic situation. The people who seem more concerned about France's sudden shift to left of center is the good ole U S of A. You see, Americans have this knee-jerk reaction to anything labeled socialist, because 40 years of cold war public education has instilled the universal understanding that if it's socialist, it must be Communist, and Communist is the great Satan. In other words, if you thought "freedon fries" was bad, the switch from calling Frogs wine-swillin' surrender monkeys to no good godless red commie bastards should start in 3...2...
Then of course, it is off the eastern part of Europe, which the western part of Europe tries very hard to pretend isn't part of Europe. Only a few days before Victory Day, that glorious day when Mother Russia reminds the rest of the world they won the fucking war in Europe on May 9, 1945, Vladimir Vladinovich Putin was sworn in as President of Russia again. Rejoice! The hard line, glassy stare of a teddy bear president is remembered for being a hard ass, offering a French journalist castration by one of the fine doctors in Moscow, and playing badmitten with now prime minister teddy bear Dima Dimanovich Medvedev. What's not to love? Build up of defensive weapons in Kalinigrad, that's what. It's looking like a good old fashion cold war may be building again, except NATO insists it isn't we promise just don't cut off our oil, okay? Should be interesting to see what happens next.
Yes, the election season has been a whirlwind of fun and laughter across the globe, I for one can't wait until November when we Americans show the rest of the planet how it's really done!
political parties,