I lived in Idaho for four years and enjoyed it; desert climate is very comfortable to live in once you get used to the lack of water issue. Humans are extremely adaptable to their surroundings and find what they need to stay alive. Once they manage that, all of the other bullshit humans living comfortably waste their time on also become part of their surroundings.
Like religion. And Politics. And hating people not exactly like them.
There are parts of the United States where certain religious beliefs predominate. Idaho is the other Utah, so is Nevada and Arizona to a degree. Do I have to say the M word for you to understand which religion holds sway in this part of the country?
Rachel Maddow last night had a very informative broadcast that sums up what many of the people in the Western U.S. are like.
Visit msnbc.com for
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news about the economy J T Ready - Anti Immigration, Neo Nazi, Mormon. Murdered his own family on Wednesday. Was good friends with:
Russell Pearce - Anti Immigration, introduced SB 1070 into Arizona legislature, Mormon. Trying to pretend he didn't know J T Ready now.
Uh huh.
Mitt Romney - Mormon, and is quoted with saying he believes SB 1070 is a model law for the nation.
I think it's pretty obvious what Mormons believe about anyone who isn't white, male and heterosexual. California's Proposition H8 legislation was backed by the Mormons. Mitt Romney personally donated $3 million toward the campaign to deny LGBT people in California their rights. The three Mormons above all ran for and or are running for and or held political office as Republicans. All of them want to limit other people's rights, one of them was openly a Nazi.
Sorry Russell Pearce, we have all seen the Mormon baptism certificate you signed for J T Ready, and there you are embracing him for a picture at an anti-immigration rally.
Mormonism is a religion founded by Joseph Smith in the 19th century after being caught fucking a woman he wasn't married to. He insisted God told him to have sex with women other than his wife and created a new religion based on that practice. What I have read of Emma Smith makes it clear she was not at all happy with her husband's new religion that allowed polygamy, but Joseph Smith insisted on having four more wives whether she liked it or not. Many Mormons today don't practice polygamy (I lived in Idaho for four years, I know for a fact some Mormons still do practice polygamy), but they still treat women like lower class citizens. Mitt Romney told a divorced pregnant woman who for some reason was still a Mormon on purpose either give up her baby for adoption or she would be excommunicated. Absolutely true. The woman saw the light and she's not a Mormon any more. Divorced female Mormons are not allowed to remarry, divorced male Mormons can get married (and married and married and married) after as many divorces as they wish.
Mormons hate women, hate gays and lesbians, and they sure as hell hate minorities. The poison attitude and beliefs of these people permeate anywhere they are a significant part of the population in this country ... like Utah, Idaho, Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada. I've seen stranger things to base a religion on. The difference is none of them are as horrible and dangerous as the Mormons. Now how can we honestly consider voting one of these lunatics into the White House?
And while I write this, Rachel Maddow is talking about Mormon billionaire Frank Vandersloot, the man bankrolling Mitt Romney's campaign. He likes to out gays and pay for anti-gay billboards in the state. What a piece of shit. But why would I be surprised? He's Mormon, after all.