Peter ShutUpYouRacistLyingPig Hoekstra is a typical #GOP Neo con scumbag

Feb 06, 2012 16:32

This ad ran during the Superbowl last night in the state of Michigan, and will run for the next two weeks until our primary caucus on February 28. I can't warn you enough, this ranks very high on the "racist as fuck" o'meter:

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DebbieSpendItNow dot com, which I will not link to because it's equally racist as hell is unbelievable. Here is a screencap however of one of the pages.

That's right, let's cash in on American yellow peril, specifically Michigan's fear and loathing of Asians because OH SWEET JESUS IF YOU BUY A JAPANESE CAR YOU'RE THE SPAWN OF SATAN that was so rampant in the 80's and 90's.

First, what nationality is this girl supposed to be? Chinese? Vietnamese? The commercial is hoping you won't notice or give a shit.

Second, this crap about Senator Stabinow spending money and making the Chinese rich is ... well, rich. Rule number one of the Karl Rove political playbook is "accuse the opposition of doing exactly what the home team has been doing for forty years." Karl Rove stole this rule from Newt Gingrich's playbook anyway. Republicans have no fresh ideas, and don't need them as long as Americans are too stupid and too busy watching Fox News to know they're being lied to.

Third, this ad was produced by the same band of chucklefucks who were responsible for Christine O'Donnel's "I'm not a witch" political ad in 2010.

Fourth, this ad is so horribly offensive and racist it actually made some other Republicans cringe ... making me wonder how many non bigot Republicans are hiding in the closet these days.

Fifth, Pete SpendItNot Hoekstra spent $150,000 on this ad. Whoops. Also, Hoekstra voted in favor of the Bank bailout in 2008 and voted for trillions more for deficit spending (You know, as in borrowed money from China?) to pay for Bush's wars in Iraq and Afghanistan before getting out of Congress and becoming a Washington lobbyist where he became filthy stinking rich. He's a big money Neo-Con all the way, which means he'll lie to the Tea Baggers about his nonexistent no spending record if he does manage to run against Senator Stabinow this fall.

Of course, I want to remember Pete Hoekstra forever for his amazing "turtle fence" speech.

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I'm sure we're only a few elections away from the day we'll have campaigns with slogans like "Don't vote for George "ButtFuckerCockSucker" Smith, vote for Bob "Puppies are cool and so is America, USA #1" Jones!
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