Reply to this meme by yelling "Words!" and I will give you five words that remind me of you. Then post them in your LJ and explain what they mean to you.
yuidirnt give me this words:
What this remind me? Simply: Morgan! *__*
Morgan and his hair. Morgan and his suits like a lord from the past (I think he is the ONLY one who can wears that clothes, without play in a film, and don't appear ridiculous!). Morgan and his voice; his particular, awesome voice. Morgan and his superb knowledge about music. Morgan and his melancholy. Morgan and his beautiful last CD, with some of the most romantic songs in the world. Morgan and Matteo, cause everyday there is one more proof of their love! *___* (I mean, isn't normal that as soon as Matteo listen the name "Morgan" he dind't understand nothing and he couldn't never keep some leafs in the hands! XD) (For understant better:
in this lj's post)
Plus, X-Factor is the best talent-show in Italy. *__* Other than Morgan, is really a good tv show.
Thanks to X-Factor, I met some adorable girls, that I love so much. *-*
Uh... What I can say about them? They are one of my "life's reasons". Reading (and writing) fanfic had really help me so much! Other than, thanks to them, I'd met many people who are became really very important for me! (My sis, and the other people of my 'virtual family' *__*)
My very first meeting was with some Sailor Moon's fics. But I was too young for understand.
The first time that I read fanfics with more knowledge was fics about Harry Potter (and they had upsetted me with the pairing: Severus/Remus! ç______ç I mean... I was a candid 16 years old girl and I found a NC17, slash fic? It was hard to surpass, seen that Severus is my fav character too! ;___;). So, like I'd said, this was my firs meeting with slash too.
I don't know if it was a good or a bad thing. XD
I mean, I'm happy to be a slasher, but... sometimes I'm asking me what's be if I wasn't became a slasher... XD
But, well, I can't know this, so... go on! XD
I love fanfictions!
Harry Potter
Lol, I'd anticipate the argument. XD
Well, at the very beginning, I HATE it! =__='
I don't know in other country, but here, after the release of the first film, the commercial was absurd, every day at every time. I couldn't see Radcliff's face! <.<
After an year a friend's of mine ask me to see the film with her and I'd accept.
I fall in love for Snape at the firs sight. *.* And I'd spent ALL the film talking with the television and said: "He ISN'T bad! Stupid Potter, stop! The enemy ISN'T him!! He is good, dammit you!" XDD
So, I love Snape, and hate Potter jr.
Fanfics and fanarts had help me to like him too... but only in a romantic story with Draco. XD
But Snape isn't the only 'evil characters' that I love. I think, I spent less time saying that I love only the Weasley's twins (Fred! ç___ç), Lee Jordan, Luna Lovegood and... *uhm* Arthur, Charlie and Bill Weasley. Other them, for me, the other "good" could even die. XD
I don't like the epilogue.
Oh, the Maraurders! An other gang of stupid people! >.<
I envy Bellatrix when she'd killed Sirius. And thinking that the first times that I'd heard the rumors about his death, I almost cried! Tsk. Stupid me. U__U
And... what I forget?
Oh, yeah, the good thing of the films (the only good thing!) it's that they had made me know some fabulous actors and actress! *O*
My love! *__*
Thanks to House, and fanfics, I met my Love (
yuidirnt)! *___*
After that, or well, technically was before that XD, but... I mean, I loved House MD from the first time that I'd see the spot in ti-vi! XD
It was love at the first sight for all the family.
At the begin I was Hameron (like before, I was young and candid! XD), even if at the episode 01x05 I'd see the sign of H/W! *O* (I mean, you have a wife and spent Christmas with your 'best friend'? XD), and I hated Chase.
But the second season had put the things in its right order, Cameron is became a stupid, double-face girl, and I started to ship H/W! And it's was the best thing! *O* And now I like Chase (but not cause he is in love with Cameron... I was so sad for this!! ;_;).
Unfortunately, the stupid Italian programming of the episode had made me to don't stand very much House MD. ;__;
I like the new ducklings.
I shipped Kutner/13! ç_____ç
I don't know how say about Cuddy. I liked her and her relationship with House and Wilson, but... I must wait to see the new episodes, I think (here in Italy are stopped at 05x11).
Prince of Tennis
The first manga for what I fall in love in this way! O_O
Before I'd never write about a manga! XD
I... I'm not sure about what I've to say. I love it, you know.
Yeah, it's not 'ordinary', but... Captain Tsubasa was it? XD
PoT is... just LOVE! *O* I love all. I love Taka-san! ç_____ç My dear... ç______ç
Uff... I couldn't think about PoT without think about Taka-san. The bad it's that I can't think that he don't love Fuji Syusuke! And, you know, it isn't like TakaFuji is a canon pairing, or something. ç______ç
So, I think it's for this that I'd accept the crazy idea to write a fic (in Italian) for EVERY pairing possible, or not possible XD! (Crack pairings, for the most, yeah!) XD
Oh, yeah, I LOVE the musicals! *______* (And I love Shirota Yuu too - how can you see in my profile! XD And I love even Kato Kazuki! *____*)
Uhm, I think it's too many things that I love about PoT! XD
Like I love always less everything that could separate Taka-san and Fuji and the Golden Pair? XD
Uh. I'm done! XD