If there is one person or more on your friends list who makes your world a better place just because they exist and who you would not have met (in real life or not) without the internet, then post this same sentence in your journal.
I love you, girls! <3
(Yeah, if I don't remember wrong, I don't think here is a boy, in my f-list xD)
Even if lately I'm concentrate only about M2 and I didn't reply so much at your entry ;_; I still love you! Really. T__T
The matter is... this man
(Marco 'Morgan' Castoldi) (the videos are about English song ^^)
Click to view
made me drool over for him! XD And when he is with this other man
(Matteo Becucci)...
Click to view
I can only dead! XD (And if you are interested, Matteo had sung all the song oriented towards Morgan, without condescend to look at audience... XD)
So... for me it's really hard don't think at him, especially... and not even at Matteo/Morgan, seeing that their words and their demeanor seems said: "Please, slashing us!". U__U'
I swear!
And you MUST see
this gif made by
anybeaver for understand what I means! XD
The gif is from the concert where Matteo was Morgan's guest! (The same night of the last video - they had sung Matteo's Italian version of "I have been should know better", "I'll fly for you" and, exactly, "Life on Mars" *__*)
And as she had point out to me, they remember very much Paul Michael Glaser and David Soul. xD I don't think i have to add more, if you know Starsky&Hutch! ^.^
And... blah, today is a stupid day, and I'm unjustified sad and melancholy... =___=
And I'd not even wrote a post I want to write, but I think you would be happy of this... It would be only some stupid vents about some stupid people of here. XD
Today it's... just blah.
Plus, I can't download the M2's OST made by
chelian. Or well... I can download it, but when I open the foulder there isn't the song in it - but the folder's weight it's like there was something in... O_o (And I really don't understand why I can listen the House/Chase's OST and not the M2's ones!! XD U__U - I'm not a House/Chase fan, I'd try to download it only for see if it do the same thing of the M2's OST.)
It's so much that I don't wrote in English that I don't know how many mistakes I could have do... Hope not VERY much. xD