Though most of you know that I will discuss religion and politics to no end, you all also know that it's rare for me to be truly offended over anything. For once I have to say something has compleatly revulsed me and made me angry on a level I can barely understand.
Exhibit A (NSFW) Before you click on it, it's a music video from a ministry that has been "persecuted" on about every video site known to man, with their hit single "God Hates Fags" (so yes I suggest not listening to it anywhere your expected to be Politically correct).
Now onto my sentiments. First, it's the fact that I feel no diety, regardless of your choosing, would ever preach intollerance and hatemongering. I've always felt that we humans sticking words into the mouths of dieties is the root of 75% of the worlds problems now a days.
But the part that I think truly offends me, truly upsets me so much, is to hear such words of vulgar hate applied to music. The tune itself is uplifiting, but the message so twisted. To me music and dance have always been openings to the soul, especially music. Those that know me know I listen to music at least once a day and can often be found humming or singing. I... just can't put to words how upsetting I found this when I stumbled across it on a friend's LJ (he had put it up for comical effect). It's enough to make me want to prostelize from the streets myself and go, can you people truly be that brainwashed, that weak in spirit and morals, to allow something like this to be placed on such a sacred charge?
I know some of you will think this ranty, and others and odd serious note in my banter. It's just something that really hit me that I felt like speaking up about though.