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Nika Dixon. You can comment here or
My Dad loved most kinds of music, so I lovingly blame him for my addiction to many different genres. Road trips from Ontario to Edmonton every summer would give us days of randomness in the tape player. With three kids the trip ‘out west’ took 5 days with pit stops and touristy stuff, so we had a lot of time sitting in the van with nothing to do but stare out the window and listen to music. We had everything from Johnny Cash to Harry Belefonte. Classical, folk, country and rock’n'roll. We’d hear BTO and Queen mixed around John Denver and Gordon Lightfoot. Everything was worth a listen once, and if it made Dad smile or tap his fingers on the steering wheel, it got the green light to be repeated.
I stumbled across this video on the net this morning, and it immediately made me think of Dad. In part because of the song, and in part because of the memory of the summer he and my uncle came up with the plan to buy an old Sherman tank and stick it on our front lawn. Needless to say Mom put the kibosh on that pretty fast - but it was fun while it lasted! Dad never served, but he was a huge supporter. The big C (cancer) took him from me, but I know he’s here in spirit, playing guitar and tapping his feet.
He would have liked this video for both the song, and the support it offers.
Miss you Papa.
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