It's quite unbelievable, but true. Some 5 hours after signing the contract, I'm in my new room and loving it even more than I was
lovin' it at the beginning of September.
The apartments are brand new, and though there is a problem with lack of storage it's great to know this is going to be a fixed home for the next few months at least- and probs till the end of the year! It's a huge weight off my shoulders. Though that could in part also be because of realising some stuff about life/whatever in the past week or so...
Aaaanyway... There are some pictures of the new place
Explanation of photographs
001 - General view of the Rijnfront complex [aka Bootcamp]
002 - my block - No 16
003 - view of apartment from outside. Note: the bike in front of the building is mine :D
004 - 'Welcome to 16C, Verlengde Wassenaarseweg!'
005 - view of hallway [note scarf ;) ]
006 - view of shower room/toilet
007 - view of main communal area
008 - kitchen, with our flatmate [whose name I have again forgotten :$] cooking - she made some very cool vegetable&flour snacks... I had to resist them just now as I would otherwise not eat properly at dinner :D
009 - view of communal area towards my room
010 - view from door of my room
011 - bed [made up in the traditional European way of sheets+blanket, not the duvet+duvet cover method... took me a while to figure that one out!]
012 - view towards table/window :)
013 - cupboard [minus all the clothes that are coming to England/need washing :S]
014 - detail of cupboard [note draws at bottom :D :D :D] and table/chair
015&016 - view from window, in either direction...
As can be seen, not a lot of room for storage (hence the books on the floor in 010...), but that's not impossible to remedy...
Gotta run back over to Smaragdlaan for dinner with Nat, Wei and Nat's mum... Should be fun :D :D :D
Ah, life's good...
N x