Oct 01, 2008 21:40

Ok, I'm not much of a fan of Akira's songs, but I'll try translating this one...

憂鬱感 絶望感等纏い 愚行数々
10回いや13回位 考えうる等々の絶頂
老人 赤子 とも言えぬ真っ白 そんな気分

踊れ 此処で舞え 舞って灯せ 這いつくばって灯せ
そして其処で泣け 誰を恨むな 泣きじゃくって映せ

心を灯すよ 幾重にも御身に寄り添う月光蝶
眼に灯した星空と綺麗に映ろう 月光 無常

罪悪感 罵詈雑言等纏い 自虐数々
数百もの悪態全てを噛み砕き 叫び 挙句
其れから這い上がる様は 構え解くサムライ

踊れ 此処で舞え 舞って灯せ 這いつくばって灯せ
そして其処で泣け 誰を恨むな 泣きじゃくって映せ

心を灯すよ 幾重にも御身に寄り添う月光蝶
眼に灯した星空と綺麗に映ろう 月光 無常

踊れ 此処で舞え 舞って救われたって輪廻
そして其処で泣け 誰を妬むな 切り裂くんだ情景

心に灯した世俗非情 我が身は遷ろう月光蝶
眼に映せる情景は 綺麗と無縁の日々の無情


The thunder roars. Somewhere around the 30th time, to an unbearable extent,
I clothed myself with depression   hopelessness, and such   and made countless foolish moves
I reach the peak of thinking  10 time, no around 13 times
Old person   Baby   I can't say either of that, everything is white   That's how I feel now

Dance   Flutter around right here   Flutter and light a fire   Grovel and light a fire
And now cry   Don't resent anyone   Bawl and reflect it

It'll light up your heart   The moonlight butterfly that repeatedly comes closer to your body
Let's reflect beautifully along with the starry sky that lit up in our eyeballs   Moonlight   Uncertainty

A Squall blows on a 30-story building. Up on the rooftop, to an unbearable extent,
I clothed myself with feelings of guilt   vilification and such   Countless times of masochism
I simplified all the several hundreds of abusive language   And shouted them   In the end
The person who can crawl back up from all that is   A samurai who lets down his guard

Dance   Flutter around right here   Flutter and light a fire   Grovel and light a fire
And now cry   Don't resent anyone   Bawl and reflect it

It'll light up your heart   The moonlight butterfly that repeatedly comes closer to your body
Let's reflect beautifully along with the starry sky that lit up in our eyeballs   Moonlight   Uncertainty

Dance   Flutter around right here   Even if you flutter and are saved, it's reincarnation
And now cry   Don't envy anyone   A cut up spectacle

The worldly inanimate nature   I will transition myself to a Moonlight butterfly
The spectacle you reflect in your eyeballs are emotionless days of beautifulness and unrelatedness


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