My dad is still stuck in the hospital, and will be there over the weekend at least. Turns out the leads (wires) going from his implant to his brain also tested positive for infection, so that has to be monitored/cleared up. Meanwhile, it's the weekend for the neurosurgeon, who will be out of town. So, Dad has to wait until Monday to be seen and get a decision on what to do--hope it's not more surgery to take everything out, because that would really suck.
I've been getting even less sleep than usual, in no small part due to Fallout New Vegas. The storytelling is so vast in scope and well-executed, I can't help but be sucked in. I'll refrain from nerding out about it too much, because I could already write volumes about what I've played so far.
Seriously, though, I sleep like three hours a day. We've been stressed out over money and jobs once again lately. Then there are other factors, like the Winter reduction in sunlight hours and my totally sedentary lifestyle. I don't burn off enough energy to be that tired, so my brain just stays wide awake and seeks out stuff to do (see Fallout above).
I shuttled
aoi_tsuki1 around today, to and from a staffing agency's intake interview. The traffic was horrendous, and Aoi's time there dragged on so long. I had stayed up all night and morning, and was pretty tired. But eventually, we executed her plan of borrowing her dad's car and having her drive to San Marcos, getting the hell away from me for a day. It's a cabin fever-type situation, wherein it's hard for her to get time alone since she can't/won't drive my car anywhere. I'll meet up with her and everyone else tomorrow, she'll be refreshed, and we'll have fun. Plus, Lindsey gets to regain some of her driving confidence.
We still don't have our official wedding photos, due to a SNAFU with my brother's friend. He and Brian are just so busy it seems they forgot about it. I can't really point my finger that hard, though: we still don't have thank-you notes out, and I feel bad because of some announcements that I didn't get together. There are always more loose ends to this wedding business.