*hops onto bandwagon again!* A reading meme

Jan 05, 2008 00:14

Eeee! Another meme! Actually, I think I’ve done this one before, but it was fun, so I’m doin’ it again!

Type your cut contents here.
1. What are you reading now?
The Meaning of Night by Michael Cox and Sailing to Sarantium by Guy Gavriel Kay.

2. What's the last thing you finished reading?
A laughably silly book by Luanne Rice called Firefly Beach. It’s one of those maudlin romance novels that you see around. Lots of people read romance novels on the bus, and I was curious as to what it’s like, reading them. I did not read it on the bus (people look at you funny if you laugh at books in public places), but it was harmless, mind-numbing, and I don’t really see why so many people read these books - they seem much more interesting than the books they read would suggest… Maybe I’m reading one of the bad romance writers..?

3. What's the book on your wishlist?
Right now? The rest of the Nightrunner series (*cheats*) by Lynn Flewelling. I picked up the first book after randomly stumbling across her lj, was entertained by said book (though I have a few reservations) and realized it doesn’t even begin the real action, argh, argh, argh! And, hey, wispywillow cheated, so I will too! ^_~ Tombs of Atuan, that’s Ursula LeGuin, and Tristram Shandy by Laurence Sterne (I think) after Shanra told me about it. More books by Steven Brust!

4. Is there a book you own that you've never been able to finish?
Hm… one that I own, eh? That’d be Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Lots of people seemed to have enjoyed it, but I never really got into it. Will try again… someday…

Ooh, and there’s Carol Berg’s Transformation. A friend of mine recommended this (and, reading Limyaael’s lj rant on demons, I see she praises it highly, too) - supposedly it has really cool demons in it, but the first book was so violent, I couldn’t get past the first 100 pages. I will try it again, but this time I’ll have tissues and Advil nearby. :p

5. Best Book(s) *cheats again* you've read this year?
Changing Planes by Ursula LeGuin
Swordpoint by Ellen Kushner
The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne… okay, so maybe it’s wasn’t one of the best, but it was pretty interesting…
The Phoenix Guards by Steven Brust - that book was so much fun!
Thud! by Terry Pratchett

6. Worst book you've read this year?
Sylvia by Bryce Courtenay…actually, I didn’t finish it.
The Kite Runner by … I don’t remember who… Actually, I’m not sure if it’s this year’s. It might’ve been last, and I suppose it’s hardly the worst, but it’s one that springs to mind.
The Narrative of A. Gordon Pym by Edgar Allan Poe. There. I can’t actually decide which of the ones above is the worst, but at least Poe’s was amusing…well, not really, but I did a project on it with some friends, so it ended up being pretty funny.

7. Favorite Book?
Er… um… can’t decide! Going Postal by Terry Pratchett? Unless by Carol Shields, because it’s so comforting in the way it never really touches the issue she wants to confront…Erm, I don’t know!

8. Favorite Author(s - because how can you only have one ;)?
Hm…most authors are hit-and-miss for me, but among the ones that (mostly) win me over, there’s George R. R. Martin, Terry Pratchett, Ursula LeGuin, Jane Austen, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Jeffrey Deaver…

9. Any author you can't stand?
Elizabeth Haydon (after the first book of her Rhapsody series, they really, really deteriorate). Margaret Atwood.

10. Favorite Magazine?
Don’t really read magazines…oh, no, wait - knitty.com (an online knitting magazine) counts, right? Otherwise, I kind of miss my wildlife magazines. They had such pretty pictures and interesting articles. :( Alas, they are really expensive, and I don’t have nearly as much time to read as I used to.

11. Did you rig the answers to sound more intelligent?
If I did, I didn’t really succeed, now, did I? ^_~ 

reading, meme

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