Tap Tap Tap... Is This On?

Apr 25, 2010 09:39

Ummm, hi. I'm still alive and still read lj every couple of days, but haven't been posting because ... hmmm, why have I not been posting?
Partly because I'm not sure what to post about, still in San Francisco and still think it was the right choice, but still kind of frustrated with aspects of my job, and still having trouble getting the hang of this whole adjusting to a new place and really making it home (like in terms of exploring and finding niches and stuff.) There's some progress there (waves to the SF people who may be reading this; yes, you have helped, thank you!)

Also Another reason I haven't been posting here that much, may also be because of the new computer. (Oh, I guess I should mention that in a total fit of pique in February, I bought a MacBook Pro.) But Voice-Over+Safari still doesn't come naturally to me, and navigating around parts of LJ are a little more work than they used to be.

Hope everyone's well. The weather here this weekend is gorgeous. I should find something fun to do outside, I think.
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