Goals to Have Completed by the End of Summer/My Birthday*

Sep 09, 2009 07:04

1. Successful trip to Europe with the Pepperdog. [check]

2. Complete SCUBA certification. [check]

3. Move to find apartment in San Francisco. ** [Checkity checkity check!]

I have the lease and the keys. I just have to get things moved. It's probably the most interesting apartment I've ever had, too -- in an old Victorian-style building (there are lots of those around), with decorative fireplaces, an older gas stove that also once served as the heating unit for the place, one of those window-seat benches that has storage inside it. (Oh, and a little deck and garden in back.) And it's right near a dog park, the N line out to Golden Gate Park and the ocean, and other things.


Now to return to Seattle and figure out the actual move.

* Technically, being on or within a day of the autumnal equinox (depending on the year), my birthday seems like a fine demarcater (that's not really a word is it?) of the end of summer.

**With goals 1 and 2 getting hectic or delayed by various things, it seemed impractical to expect to have a move completed by the deadline. If I wanted to completely lose my mind, I could still probably make it happen, but I don't see the need. Plus, you know, it would be nice to have time to say goodbye to people and stuff.>
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