Feb 21, 2003 15:17
I've never thought we're living in a meritocracy. I thought a good freind of ours was going to be laid off this week. The company He, Dee and I work for is laying off 10% of it's employees. I was the last person hired in my department and our good friend, Keith is the last person hired by mocron in his department. I knew I was safe because the department I work for just got the okay to hire 8 more people, but I thought for sure he would get laid off because most companies I've worked for run primarily on seniority. Micron, however, is different. Instead of laying off Keith, who has been with Micron the shortest amount of time, they laid off the person who is the least productive. I'm very impressed and pleased to be working for such a company. It still sucks for the guy who got laid off, but, from what I understand, he doesn't have the follow-through or initiative - or possibly even the skills - to take on big or important projects and spent a lot of time surfing the web.