Happy Turkey Day :3

Nov 28, 2008 01:04

i hope everyone had an awesome Thanksgiving woot, had a pretty good one so far, as of right now im camping out infront of Best Buy with 4 other guys (Izzy, Danny, Chris, and the Bean) lol im at home right now because i had to pee and get some hydrocodone....i will explain everything later. It's going to snow and there are 5 people packed into a 2 person sized tent....lol XD oh the comedey that is going on, YouTube video will be posted soon after <3


ok unfortunatley im not over my stomach problems....wtf. the doctor i have is a serious douche. i thought i was getting better so i enjoyed a chimichanga from the gas station, i've been eating solid foods for awhile so i didn't thin about it. Anyway my stomach got upset for awhile and i thought it was because i ate something that didn't agree with me from later on. Well today i had a small but delicious turkey dinner.....at least 15 min. later i was rushing home to head to the bathroom.....omg. Im still not over my stomach, i freakin had pains like no other in my side....WTF.
Also it sucks because it feels like i have the IBS or something D: what sucks is that the doctor's office is closed until monday....damn it!

im going to request Dr. Biggs and see if i can get this all figured out, im going to get that catscan or whatever the hell i can get because i have reverted back to slim fast and more weight will be lost....D: ugh!

btw Kail get better i dun want you to be sick <3

pain, food, thanksgiving, camping out, stomach

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