i called the doctors office today to see if the tests came back......they have not called back. Im going to stop calling because i don't like playing this game and for some reason i feel like their getting annoyed with me calling so forget it. If i die before they call back my family can sue them or something.
im going to stop taking the abdominal pain killers the doctor gave me...they do nothing...they don't even make me loopy anymore. They also do nothing for the aches my body is having from lack of nutrition...smart start sucks ass. The headaches won't go away either, i went to bet with a nasty one and was rubbing the bridge of my nose so much i woke up with a red mark from breakin the capillaries. ugh.
my liver has been playing the keep away game with my stomach....they keep switching off with pain...lovely.
also today i haven't been that hungry...i think i've gotten past the point of hunger and my body adjusted to eating nothing but liquid foods... i did have a yogurt today, and even though it didn't hurt while i was eating it, it hurt afterwords....but it was something close to real food <3 that's probably why im not hungry anymore, my body is savoring that yogurt. Also my dad told me to get a milkshake and see if that does anything....holy crap i was in pain....at least he suggested something fatty, but it was too much for my stomach to handle ):
Im over exerting myself by going to classes...and even though im trying not to miss any im always missing my second class because i feel light headed and really tired. it sucks so much....i was really out of it today...i worried Izzy, he told me i should go home and said this several times ):
btw thanks to everyone for giving me e-hugs and worrying about me...i feel bad for making everyone worry, i srsly feel bad for doing that, but thank you. Especially thanks to
nopeace182 ,
airukitsu ,
invaderkiani , and
syntheticjewel thanks for chatting with me i needed it <3
Also thanks to
sakarataryn and
glowcat with the food suggestions.
dendril and everyone else on FA and LJ who have been praying for me...thanks i really do appreciate it guys <3