Describe yourself using one band and song titles from that band
Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band: the beatles!
Are you male or female: Girl (Heh that was easy)
Describe yourself: Getting better
How do some people feel about you: Run for your life
How do you feel about yourself: Help! (Haha)
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: hello, goodbye. haha jk I should have known better
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend: I got to find my baby
Describe where you want to be: She's leaving home
Describe what you want to be: Soldier of love (Haha)/ Fool on the Hill
Describe how you live: For no one/All things must pass
Describe how you love: In spite of all the danger/Eight days a week
Share a few words of wisdom: Act naturally
That was too easy, I'm going to try it with another band lol
Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band: the rolling stones
Are you male or female: She's a rainbow/complicated haha kidding
Describe yourself: out of controoool
How do some people feel about you: hot stuff/brown sugar hahaha still kidding
How do you feel about yourself: I'm Alright
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: oh no not you again
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend: I want to be loved
Describe where you want to be: Memory motel/streets of loooove
Describe what you want to be: Monkey man!
Describe how you live: Pain in my heart
Describe how you love: I can't help it
Share a few words of wisdom: Play with fire (hehehe)
Even easier! And I'm having fun! Okay, one more with a band with less songs.
Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band: the eagles
Are you male or female: ...Doolin-Dalton?
Describe yourself: The disco strangler!
How do some people feel about you: take the devil! (hahaha!)
How do you feel about yourself: You never will learn to be still
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: the last resort hahaha! I mean.. outlaw man
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend: try and love again
Describe where you want to be: On the border
Describe what you want to be: Twenty one
Describe how you live: take it easy
Describe how you love: the best of my love
Share a few words of wisdom: the greeks don't want no freaks!
You know what? The ramones would work well with this survey.
Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band: the ramones
Are you male or female: She's a Sensation
Describe yourself: I don't wanna be learned
How do some people feel about you: outsider
How do you feel about yourself: come on now
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: Everytime I eat vegetables it makes me think of you (kind of)
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend: The KKK took my baby away
Describe where you want to be: danger zone!
Describe what you want to be: too tough to die! or spiderman!
Describe how you live: take it as it comes
Describe how you love: Can't get you outta my mind
Share a few words of wisdom: learn to listen
OKAY I'M DONE.. for now hehe. I can't imagine anyone actually read this anyway haha.