[Generation Justice] A happy family in Hell

Jul 20, 2011 19:07

OOC: this is supposed to happen sometime after the events seen in "Converging Paths".


The black sedan purrs like a cat, putting miles between Two Face and the Arkaham Asylum.
The jailbreak has been plain sailing.

Harvey slips a hand into the pocket of his finely tailored trousers, draws out his scarred coin and flips it.

Two. There are two of them.
Two like the sides of the coin.
Two like the faces he sees in the mirror every morning.
Two options. Two targets.
Two like head or tail.
Two Falcone's.

The disfigured gangster tosses the coin again. The small, circular piece of silver shines and tumbles in mid-air before it lands on the back of the man's hand.

Contrary to what Joe Public believes, prisons - even those that are generally considered the most secure - aren't islands and convicts are never really cut off from the rest of the criminal world.
Not convicts like the former district attorney Harvey "Two Face" Dent, anyway.

When two weeks ago, Walter Tumino, Caporegime of the Falcone's gang, was captured and sent to Blackgate, Harvey managed to deliver him his "warmest greetings" through some mutual "friends" inside the penitentiary.

Despite his reputation and his position inside the cosca, Tumino was no tough nut.
He begged and cried and eventually spat out the name of the girl.
Kitrina Falcone.

The coin chinks, flips, gleams for a moment in the discontinuous light of the street lamps coming from outside. It lands on the back of Two Face's hand anew.

Tumino squealed, told them everything he knew about the girl. When they killed him in the end, he looked almost... surprised.
What was he hoping for? To have his life saved?
What is the name of a Falcone worth?
"Nothing." Two Face hisses low.

"What have you just said, boss?" the man at the wheel inquires.
When he meets the gaze of the yellow-ish, permanently open-wide eye of Harvey in the rear-view mirror, he understands he'd better shut up and keep driving.

Two Face flips the coin once more.
Coming to know of the girl's existence was a pure chance.
Pure. Chance.
The life is ruled by Chance.
Chance gives and Chance takes.
Holy, rightful, bloody, villainous Chance.

Two Falcone's.
The last living children of Carmine, one of the two men Harvey owes everything to.
Mario and Kitrina. Brother and sister.
Two Face will get them and reunite them with their father, their brothers and their sisters.
A nice, happy family. In Hell.

generation justice, kitrina, side story, villain:two face, gen_justice

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