[Generation Justice] Pupp(y)ies Love

Jun 05, 2011 20:27

"The Baby Week at the Gotham Zoo, young mistress?" Alfred asks. He grabs the iron and maneuvering it with great skill, he easily tames all the wrinkles of a very expensive silk shirt.

Mar'i nods enthusiastically, while folding and piling up napkins on the ironing board. "The TV says they have a baby seal! And a baby panda!"

The butler nods thoughtfully, among white puffs of steam. "Shall I assume that your father will not be able to come along with you?"

"Dad said he must be in Tokyo tonight to attend I-don't-know what party," the girl cutely turns her nose up. "He said he will be home by tomorrow afternoon. But today is the LAST day!"

"I can take you to the zoo, young mistress," Alfred utters after a reflective 'hum', "but I'm afraid I won't be able to keep you company. Unluckily this happens to be a pretty busy day for me." It's friday and like every friday he has to do the laundry, to clean the silverware and to go shopping.

"Oh," Mar'i sighs, lifting a huge pile of bedsheets and moving it into a laundry cart.

Disappointing the young mistress makes him feel AS BAD AS as when he disappointed young master Dick as a child. The elderly man sighs and stares after the girl and, by doing so, he notices a ghost of movement through the open laundry room door.
"Why don't you ask young master Damian to accompany you?" Alfred asks. CASUALLY. As if he didn't know the interested party is RIGHT in the corridor.

"Because I don't really think Dami likes puppies." Is Mar'i's disheartened answer.

"You could be surprised..." the elderly man comments with a little smile...

mar'i, alfred, side story, damian, gen_justice

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