Attempt #1

Jan 13, 2004 00:59

So it begins...on a dark and stormy night...

After many people bitching and saying that I should get a Live journal I finally have one. I'm still trying to figure all this stuff out so stay with me here as I fight, curse and, rant about it not doing things I want it to do. Well, this weekend was another drill weekend and I found out that the 1043rd Maintance Co. is being deployed. They are taking 180 people with them. They will take all of their people, then if need be they will grab from the battalion, and if they still need more after that, they will take people from the brigade. That is my unit. So far my unit has been the only one in the state that hasn't called up or put on alert. The higher ups basically told us that it's no longer a question of if, it is now when and where we will be deployed. There are three places I could go overseas. First is Cuba. While it is the safest, there is a lot of messed up shit going on down there with the "detainees". I'm not really going to go into that. Second is Afghanistan. It is considered a combat zone because it is within 300 miles of Iraq, so there is combat pay, and all of my pay would be TAX FREE!!! Mise, WRX here I come. Or maybe even the WRX Sti version. Then Rick and I will see who has the faster car. And the third is Iraq. I personally don't want to go there, do I need to explain why? The brigade, my unit, would most likely be used as a command and control center. What the means is we would be somewhere processing information such as locations of friendly units, possible insurgents, and gathering intel and sending it to the next higher up command. Since I was thinking about volunteering to go to Afghanistan in August anyway that is where I would like to go out of the three listed. Other then finding out this it wasn't a bad weekend per say. We did some MOUT training. I forget what the acronym for it but it's military urban training. It is what the SWAT teams do when they have to clear out a building. The only other thing we did that was any fun at all was drive the Humvees around southern Rhode Island. I drove the lead Humvee which meant that we drove 55 MPH instead of like 40 MPH. It was a cold trip though. Me and the newly promoted sergeant that came with me both had our poly pro shirts on, our Gortex coat, our Gortex pants, and our gloves on. The reason we were stil cold with all that is because one of the windows didn't zip up all the way we had a massive draft coming in. Shit happens I guess. The only other thing we did of significance was clean our gas masks. But I cleaned mine in April and haven't used it since, so it was kind-of pointless. That was my always fun, ever eventful weekends with the Guard. If you have any suggestions on how to make the format of the journal look better feel free and let me know.
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