So yeah...if you guys are Placebo fans and haven't heard this song, "Pierrot the Clown", you should definitely check it out.
Here are the lyrics. Click and they'll scroll for you. Sorry, I don't know how to embed songs onto my journal.
Pierrot The Clown LyricsI am suffering from a really bad headache lately and I wish it would stop. Can people
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And I don't blame you for how you feel about your dad, I think its a natural reaction considering the weird situation he has put everyone in.
My dad...I love the guy but he's being very selfish right now. I think he honestly thinks my mom and I are going to move with him. My mom and I don't want to move. Ugh.
I am so behind on keeping up with my friend's list and all. What's happening with you--since the divorce and all? Are you and your ex still friends? Did you find anyone new? I hope so. You're a wonderful person. :D <333
But I do have a great new job (started end of January)!
The ex and I are not friends because his new wife said "Hell no!" and basically ordered him to never speak to me again. This was actually about a month after the divorce was final when she was still 'the girlfriend'.
Up side is that his family adores me and likes me way more than her and since he and the wife moved back to Texas I have regained custody of his family... lol Which is good, because they are the only family I have up here in Oregon :)
Fun times! ;)
And the new wife is not so stupid as to think that she can stop the family from talking to me... lol Even she isn't that ballsy.
I talk to Kim (ladyvader) all the time :) She's doing well, just had a bunch of family get to come visit for a while.
I am super excited about the new HP movie!! I saw the trailer last weekend when I saw the new Mummy movie - I can't wait for the new HP :D I love the pics of Draco in this one - the thing I'm most worried about is them screwing up the Harry/Draco-ish stuff in this one - the bathroom scene has the potential to be uber-cool, so hopefully they don't mess with it too bad.
And yes, men are stupid, and I hope he pulls his head out of his ass, too. It will suck if it doesn't work out, but this whole friends thing is almost like getting over the break-up, so if it doesn't, it won't be the end of the world for me, you know? Like I've already made it through the hardest part of it, or something.
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