Nov 22, 2008 15:47
I never know what to think of myself.
I wish I had someone that I wasn't afraid to talk to about myself and my problems. It's not that I don't tell anyone, it's just that it makes me really uncomfortable to do so and then I get embarrassed and change the subject really quickly because I just can't imagine this could ever possibly be interesting for anyone.
I think I need to start keeping a real journal. Paper can't not give a shit.
Or maybe I should see a therapist. But man. I do not have any kind of money that would allow me to do that.
I started thinking the other day about bitchy old people. And how if I had lived that long and put up with that much bullshit in my life, maybe I'd be pretty bitter and sick of everything, too. I'd be like. I am old. Can't something just go my way for once. I dunno. Getting old is too sad to think about right now.
Getting myself to not give a shit about things is always harder than I think it's going to be.
Goddd. Time to go back to work.
old people,