I just napped for an hour an had roughly a million billion dreams, and some of them were slightly lucid because almost all of it, I was a little bit awake. I remember jumping and flying and uhhh lol lesbianism. How did I even dream so muchchhhh gosh. Oh also there was a computer in the kitchen and I said hi to someone I thought was Natasha but then it turned out to be some idiot with a super animu name like Ninja Doom Kitten or something like that, and I was trying to type something back to them but the keyboard wasn't working right at all so I just let it type nonsense and then left.
Uhhnnnnnn I got bitched out for my sleeping habits again. Apparently two am to eight or nine am is not a daytime schedule. Lol although I would gladly sleep in until noon. But I have been a good girl and I get up when I'm told to and I see no fucking reason why I should not be allowed to sleep all day on the weekends, it is my weekend. Ugh ugh ugh. No but uhh for the bitching lol I just. Said yes really positively to everything he said and it made the whole encounter very brief, cool.
Now Drew and Jennifer's son (that is, Drew with the company of Jennifer's son who is not Drew's son but a son from a previous marriage) are about to cut up the driveway with this big funny tool that is like a lawn mover but cuts a line in concrete instead of the tops of grass. I don't exactly know the plan even though it has been explained in my presence like ten times. Ono now he is doing it I'm gonna watch.
It is like spraying water on the ground first whoa lol I guess the hose hooks up to it. WHHHYY ARE THEY NOT CUTTING YET UNNGGHHH I WANNA SEEEEEE
Lol they are now and this. Is not as interesting as I hoped it would be. >:C
Lollll. Rio and Dominique. >:C They are gonna be from Skitsnygg, fuckin rad. Lol this picture is weird.
Mattypatties is from JH JH JH JH.