Lately I've been writing like mad. Go figure. All those years with hardly a drop of creativity and all of a sudden I'm dealing with a flood.
Obviously I'm not complaining!
Last time I attempted to do a Nanowrimo-style writing marathon with a similar goal of 50,000 in one month, I fell terribly short at:
14303 / 50000 words. 29% done!
Not too impressive. However! I was insanely pleased - and still am - at the quality of that work. I finally drafted an appropriate beginning that laid the foundation of some of the themes the rest of the work would be exploring. But I fell flat at a key scene where Aurora and Vaelorn meet for the first time.
I just couldn't figure Vaelorn out.
A few days ago I finally managed to work past that, and apparently it was a sort of dam, holding back all that creativity with a solidly packed wall of frustration. It occurred to me that maybe I was looking at it the wrong way, and then the dam came crashing down. Since then, I've been trying to keep my head above water, so to speak, even to the point of bringing my laptop with me to work and writing on my lunch break to keep everything flowing.
And boy has it.
In the past two weeks, well... here's my current word count:
24766 / 50000 words. 50% done!
That's quite a chunk of work considering that I don't write on the clock at work, or when I'm asleep, or when I'm spending time with Justin.
Unfortunately, I've been running up against some more frustration, again in terms of dealing with Vaelorn. I understand him as a character, I understand his nature, but I somehow feel like he's eluding my attempts to pin him down to paper. It's exceedingly frustrating, because he is such a central part of my work. Grr.
I suppose I just need to keep plugging along, and hope I don't hit another damn dam. Pun intended.