(no subject)

Jul 23, 2009 13:35


I mean the Linking Road Crossowrds store has the Sandman novels, but instead of keeping the regular version or volume 1, they have this fancy one instead. Which is 3500 bucks, and will not fit into any bookshelf of mine; and did I mention it's fucking 3500 rupees? I'll get killed if I spend that much money on what my family considers a "comic". Besides I'm not even that interested in reading the Sandman series. (I'm getting there but the price for Volume 1 always throws me off.) What I want to read is American Gods, and Anansi Boys, and Stardust, and Coraline.

The stores also suck because thay have only a few Discworld novels and I already have those. And I reaaly want to start the Discworld series by reading The Colour of Magic first. (Because for some reason I must start from the begininning, even if the novels can count as a stand-alone.)

Gaiman and Pratchett I can understand, to some extent. But no Stephen King? HEATHENS! I want to read the Dark Tower series so bad. And Misery, and a whole bunch of his other books. But noo~ they don't keep the good stuff.

But they have stacks and stacks of the Twilight series and The Host by S. Meyer, which they will recommend, and keep it in such places that you have to see it. It's like they want me to buy that. No seriously even if I hadn't heard all the bad shit about the book, I am still not interested in Vampire-Human romance, thank you very much. If I was I'd start with Vampire Knight.

I am also not intersted in the bloody Mills & Boon series so kindly stop shoving it in my face.

To get my mind of the stupidity here is a meme:

Leave me a comment and I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.
Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.

So the (currently) very Squishy and (always) Adorable staticraven asked me five questions.

1.) Name some of your hobbies?
Reading is an obvious one; from the book rant above.) Manga/anime being another. These two switch priorities hobbywise from time-to-time. Writing, is something I love doing but haven't done for a while and need to get back too.  Cycling. Which by the way is a sucky hobby if you live in Mumbai. FUCK YOU ROADS! FUCK YOU TRAFFIC!

2.) What kind of people do you normally friend on LJ?
Um... people with the same interests as me. Mostly fandom friends. They understand the squeeage! (Hopefully)

3.) Do you see yourself growing out of anime/manga anytime soon?
Soon as in near future like the next few months/year-or-two soon? Or soon as in the end of the Universe as we know it soon? Mostly it's the latter case, unless the end of the universe as we know it is tomorrow.

4.) What's your favorite season?
Monsoon. It's not too cold, and it's not too hot. Most importanly though: RAIN!

5.) Do you dress to be comfortable or fit in with the latest fashions?
Unless the latest fashion will let me have blue hair and wander around dressed as a guy, for a desert, grumbling and smoking the whole time; no. I generally go for comfy; because it also provides the added bonus of annoying my family, which is always priceless.

angst, why would you do that?, meme, no it does not work that way, insanity lives here, rant, *headdesk*, books, wtf?, real life

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