Love operates on balance.
Intimacy is a binding contract that holds 2 people together. While most people associate intimacy with romance, I like to describe it as events that bring people close enough to each other and allow romance to occur. While intimacy is powerful in nature, it is also delicate to manipulate. People tend to abuse this force in a means to manipulate other people. The only way to combat intimacy is to be secure from anything that can tear it apart. If you cannot do this alone, seek someone who can do that for you. Be warned, as this security can overpower intimacy too much and it can be used against you.
Emotion is the source of all the unknown variables in a relationship. People can become unpredictable when they allow themselves to be slave to their feelings, and any rational thought will cease to exist. Getting too close to someone can compromise your awareness, but stay too far away will create a void too large for anything to fill. Logic is the cure to emotion. Think things through.
Trust leads to the removal of several boundaries in a relationship as it acts as a bridge to new paths in human connectivity. Trust should always be earned, and without it, you have no one to rely on but yourself. Do remember this: If you trust no one, who will trust you in the hour that you need it the most?
Security is the protector of relationships. It helps us to keep our guard up from getting too intimate with others, and it can save you when you would otherwise throw away your thoughts to logic. Don’t rely too much on being secure, as it will become your prison, power, pleasure, and pain. Any attempt to secure something, will only make it grow stronger, and release in an incalculable rage.
Logic is the problem solving mechanic that we all have inside us. Some of us, however, are more adept at using it than others. While thinking problems through and finding the right solution may seem to be the correct thing to do, our moralities tend to be corrupted from outside influences of our logic. The only way to restore morality, is to reach down inside and find your true self. Emotion is the cure to logic. Do what feels right.
Independence frees us from the binds that reality bestows upon us. The rules displayed before us by society hinder the progress of our goals and limit the options we have to take. When you free yourself from others, you no longer need to trust them. You begin to think that you have all that you need to live independently from others, only to find that you are not as smart as you thought you were. The trust that you abandoned in others has come around to steal your soul. You are alone.
Call me a sinner, call me a saint.