Sep 08, 2013 02:40
Well, thanks to a really nice guy at the local AT&T store, my new phone is all set now.
It sounds a lot more clear than my old one. Then again, the old one wasn't designed to be durable, and I dropped it approximately eleventy million times or so over the four years I had it. I'm honestly surprised it lasted as well as it did.
So far I rather like this one. It's pretty heavy duty seeming, the Rugby III, yet light and super clear sounding for calls. The screen is good sized, and brightly backlit. I like the size of the front screen and how easy that is to read if you push the side button to see the time. I also am a fan of the front display showing the date as well as the time when activated.
I wish the quick button features could be customized- so if I press up on the arrow pad I could get the calculator or something- rather than the presets. But maybe I haven't quite played with it enough to get that figured out. Otherwise I'm stuck with quick keys to nothing, since I have excess stuff (internet, texting, etc) disabled.
I also want to say the included ringtones suck donkey balls. You can barely hear them when the fucking thing rings right next to you in the car. I thought my car was making weird noises or the song on the radio had something odd going on in the background. Fortunately, it was super easy to bluetooth ringtones I liked from my old phone to the new one. So I have my standard Party Boy sounding ring.
I'm getting a mini SD card at the store in the morning if I find a good sale. Then I guess I can use mp3s of my choice for ringtones. I might, I might not. I tend to focus and tune things out if I am busy, so I might just keep it as what I have, since if everyone has a different tune I might just think I'm catching someone else's music. That would be hella cool though.
I also ordered a protective case thing, and screen protectors from Amazon for the thing. Plus a spare charging cord. I have a red to black fade, as well as a wolf case. I am a huge fan of the charging cord having a USB end, so I can just toss it onto anything to charge it in the house or car. Compatibility is cool. Also the easy interface with the computer for uploading/downloading will be sweet. Yay for photo transfers!
I had a fantastic day aside from getting the phone going too.
I did a trip to the Farmer's Market and picked up a couple of veggies. I have to de-stalk the Brussel sprouts soon though so they will fit better in the 'fridge. I went and had a delightful afternoon with Kat today too! We played with some canning, then just relaxed and chatted for a bit. We ended up enjoying some awesome spaghetti for dinner, and talked ourselves into a yummy chocolate cake... Yeah, we're a bad influence on each other, but it's a blast!
We might do canned pumpkin and chick flick with drinks day in the morning!
Chris is doing well, they made it to Valdez and have the boat nearly ready. They are staying over, as they had to do some work on the trailer breaks. He sounded tired, but it was nice to talk to him and super fun to tell him I have my new phone working! I'll see him tomorrow sometime. :)
And now it's super late, but I stayed up trying to get the damn manual for my phone to download... I hate the fact phones don't come with a paper manual anymore. Dicking around to read it on adobe after downloading is a PITA too. It came with a huge booklet on phone safety and stuff, but nothing about actually setting it up beyond the bare bones. *sigh* Well, I do like the phone. I can't wait until the cases for it arrive!
The buns were INSANE tonight. Freya pinged up onto the coffee table, among other things this evening. Thor must have been talking to her, since he jumped on the couch, and then jumped up onto my shoulder. That startled me, but I caught him before he slipped off. Surprise shoulder bunnies aren't exactly my favorite thing. I guess the fall weather has all of the critters wired! They both are still so sweet. I just get worried when they start jumping up on tall things. I don't want any bunny to fall, or land on something sharp or something on the coffee table. Chris will laugh when I tell him about them. :)
I really am happy lately. Life is good.