Okay Okay....

Jun 10, 2008 10:30

I've put this off as long as I possibly could before I totally forget about my road trip. Though I won't go into great detail, I left May 4th, Nick's bday to go to California with my folks. It was a surprise, hence why I didn't write about it ON the trip even though I had net during the trip. Nick has a LJ so I figured he may check out mine and it would have ruined the surprise. The trip was a visit Colleen/Dad work on his project type thing do it wasn't ALL leisurely. I spent a lot of my time that I wasn't online writing a letter to Courtney in a Notepad file and taking pictures...oh and sleeping.

We hit I-80 most of the way across, so that took us through Tennessee (of course), Missouri...OMG, the first 30 minutes of Missouri smells terrible cuz they have not one pulp mill but dozens along the Mississippi River. So yeah, YUCK. And skunks...geeze. I think i'm now immune to the smell of them! We hit a turtle along the way and it was sad, we all were bummed cuz we didn't wanna kill it but it was hard to go around it without wrecking ourselves...though the night before that was worse cuz I literally had to keep myself awake while on the road so that we didn't hit a deer. Along that one stretch we had already passed one dead one in the road and a huge blood stain from a second one right up the road from the first, plus we saw a few grazing on the side of the road...if we had hit one in my folks' small car, we all woulda died. (My dad drives a Toyota Prius) It was kinda scary! Kansas (where we stopped in Macksville to spend the night at a house of one of my dad's "cult followers") LOL, that's what I call the people that my dad stopped to visit along the way, people who follow his project online on his forum and such. Quite a few were like, "Hey, you're in my town, lemme treat you to dinner and a motel room.." Not that I'm complaining, lol. After Kansas was Colorado. We stopped in Colorado Springs. The trip there was strange to say the least though. Our GPS system made us go on some weird back road and it was nothing but lightning in the distance, gravel on the road and tumbleweeds crossing, lol. We saw two huge jackrabbits as well, which was cool.

After Colorado Springs was Grand Junction, Colorado where we stopped to see a close friend of the family. Someone my dad went to High School with. he barely recognized my dad but he was sooo happy to see us. I think last time I had seen him was when I was like 10? Then it was Utah and then Nevada (nothing much happened in those states, just desert...and finding a 300 lb. meteor) We did stop in Reno so I could see my friend Chris who I have known since I moved to California. Plus what do they have in reno besides dozens of small-town casinos? All-you-can-eat Buffets! We ate at the one at Circus Circus...which is funny cuz that was the first casino I went to on my trip to California back in 2000 when I was moving there. But we ate at the Silver Legacy with Nick's grandparents on THAT trip. Anyways..we then took a back route and decided to go gold panning, cuz my dad wanted to get some California gold. He found a little bit, but not like he had hoped. We made it to Sacramento like, the 10th or so and spent the night in the car. We showed up at Colleen's on Mother's Day.

My parents dropped me off at the corner and I rang the doorbell. Nick was the one who answered and he looked tired and red-eyed. He'd probably just got home from work and so his first reaction was, "What are you doing here?" I smiled and said "I heard a little girl named Colleen lives here..." so I sorta pushed my way past Nick and Colleen was sitting on the floor in the living room playing with toys. My heart really skipped a beat and I swear I was gonna start bawling right there, but I kept my cool. She didn't though. She looked up at me and her jaw dropped. I asked her "Who am I Colleen?" and she just looked up at me with these HUGE eyes and says "Y-y-you're my mommy.." So I go, "Well you better come give me a hug then!" and she jumped up and ran to me and I picked her up and hugged her really tight. It was like one of those moments in a Lifetime Movie, one of those ones that make a lump in your throat just remembering it, like it is doing to me now. I only got to spend the day with her, we left at around 11pm, when Nick was leaving for work..but it was one of the best days of my life. I asked Nick to maybe save up some cash so maybe I can come out for a week during the holidays or something. He said he'd see what he could do.

The trip after that was cool...we headed south to Cayucos, California to meet up with another one of my dad's friends and while my dad hung out with the guy, I strolled the beach and found these gorgeous rocks made of jade. REAL JADE! When my dad came to pick me up, I got him into combing the beach with me so he could pick up some too. It was a good hour's worth of leisurely time, something I had wanted. We then headed to Los Angeles where my dad had to meet up with someone as well, which was cool. We met up with the guy in Arcadia and ate at Outback, then spent the night in a hotel there as well...the next day we went to Hollywood and went to High Voltage Tattoos, where they shoot the Discovery Channel show LA INK. I'm like in love with Kat Von D, she's so talented so we went to meet her, but she wasn't there. No one from the show was but I got some pictures of the shop. We also got a pic of the Hollywood sign of course...no LA trip is complete without that! I wanted to do so much more there but we were on a tight schedule to get back home. I did manage to slide in a 15 minute meeting with aneineko, whom has been a close friend of mine forever...(Sakka, you know him ;) ) We finally got to meet after 8 years! Maybe next time he can take some time off and come visit me!

Our way back took us through Las Vegas which we spent the night gambling and such, well my dad and I did, my mom wasn't up to it. We also hit Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, then Oklahoma, where I got to pee in Carrie Underwood's hometown and then through Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama then home. No details here cuz well, my dad got pissed off in Arizona cuz we went to go see Meteor Crater which is where a gigantic meteor smashed into the Earth and they built a fence around it and put a visitor's center on the rim and charge 15 bucks just to go into the visitor's center and 30 bucks to tour the crater. So my dad got pissed and went on this tirade about the government charging the taxpayers to see "national" landmarks that should be free for us who live in this country....I kinda agree but I also think he's a bit of a D.Q. lol! I finally got home on Sunday...the um...lord, I can't remember the date.

My life beyond that is hectic. I've been working my ass off for no pay, I just moved into an apartment which caused drama with me and my girlfriend, I ended up breaking up with her because she decided to threaten me with something NO ONE threatens me with and gets away with it....maybe I'll put more detail into this when I slow down some. I did get to go camping this weekend though with some good friends.

Something people should see: Me playing horseshoes while high....lol!

I love and miss you all....esp. my Sakka, whom is in my thoughts and prayers always.
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